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War on North Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan?  

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  1. 1. War on North Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan?

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I say kinda because Afganistan isnt a problem anymore since it was not the country but the taliban, and no north korea since they are communist and have almost a half a billion people, and they area llied with all other communists so that means we would be facing about 2 5ths of the world. But i think we should just smoke iraq because they are just bad and the war would last like 3 months.

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Simple, he wants to finish what his father started in 1991. There is no reason to go to war. Bush just wants the oil in Iraq because the oil fields in the USA are getting empty. Since he can't pump in Alaske he has to go somewhere else.

The Bush Administration has yet to produce good and strong evidence that there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The repport Powwel presentet in the UN was full of flaws and was partitially written in 91 by a college student. Bush says he fights in the name of democratie but when Belgium and France placed a veto in the NATO he said that they had to fellow the majorety of the countries. New bush doesn't have that majority in the UN Security Counsil and then he says that that isn't important (go figure).

analists agree that Nord Korea poses a bigger threat than Iraq because they already have nukes, but Bush doesn't want war with NK, he wants it with Iraq because he knows that his soldiers will survive that one because Iraq has no weapons off mass destruction.

Bush gives himeself the right to a war because Saddam is in breach of UN resolutions since 1998 when he removode UNSCOM from Iraq. The only reason UNSCOM had to leave Iraq was because they were ordered by the white house to start a conflict so the USA could invade Iraq. (this comes from the leaders of UNSCOM thereself) Another countrie is in violation of UN resoltions since 1963, but this country is getting billions of dollars in support, i am talking about Israel. So why has Israel the wright to occupie country and muder people and even receiving funds of the USA while Iraq troubles no-one?

I say no to war!

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the argument goes deeper than oil, or finishing daddies war etc.

the US cocked up the whole thing in supporting iraq - then you should know the rest.

That brang the kurds in and then they lost, power was regained etc etc etc.

Same thing happened with afganistan to defeat the evil russians. <-- acutally im second guessing myself as to if that ever happened now =)

but it still goes beyonf that, the whole middle east conflict is the problem and im not going to takes sides etc as im sure ill pi** off someone with my complex uneducated views =) 8)

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ranting madman....

They want war, they will have war...

But the damage that the US has done over the past one hundered or so years is irreversible, but in a way we can't just sit back and be sitting ducks, no... But the trigger happy all Republican money minded folks who have elected with the power of running the US, the land of the free, don't have you or me in mind when they decide to go to war. This is not for your safety... But don't fear, Millions of troops are on their way to the Gulf to protect YOUR oil supply. It'll be okay, we will still be the most despised tyrant in the world, our egos will only grow bigger after we kill a tens of thousands of innocents and drive them from their homes as we ravage their countries in search of fools gold...

And these fuckers are stripping away the freedoms that Americans are supposed to enjoy, if this continues, in 20 years or less we too will be living under some type of fascist dictatorship military government where it's citizens are not a resposibility but a commodity, where justice is served only by the gun, and where your opinions and beleifs may be used against you in a court of law. A "new world order" is what it seems they are trying to thrust us into, but that's not something I am going to wear as a badge. Not something I'd be proud of, and the way I look at it, if I disagree, I will speak up. They will have their war, no doubt about it, they always get their war...

The US was founded on soil that was raped from it's rightful owners, there is no credible reason for the extermination of an entire race. They are conquistadors, cowboys, gimme what you got or I'm a take it by force. And besides that, the history books that document our wars were written by the same people who called for the wars, of course they will justify every war with some sort of valid reason. I was born in the US, true, but born from immigrants who came here looking for prosperity, peace and freedom. I am not anti-American in the least bit. I just beleive that vision has been manipulated as America grew stonger and wealthier. We are so young and naive as a country compared to the rest of the world.

North Korea has been publicly disrespected by the US in the past, by Bush specifically. Before the whole Ronnie Regan ripoff "Evil Empire" speech, calling them part of an Axis Of Evil with Iran and Iraq. The US feels threatened by these countries because they are cocky enough to stand up against imperialism of the United States. Because they are bold enough to posess nuclear weapons, shit, the US has them why can't N. Korea? What if we were asked to disarm? I am sure we have way more to hide than any other country. We are not the self proclaimed police of the world, our views do not have that much merit. All Bush did was gun his mouth and create new enemies with N.Korea. Clinton was at least able to pave the way towards a peace process, of course it involved providing fuel and humanitarian aid to N. Korea. Bush couldn't have that, had to talk shit and ruin a delicate agreement on nuclear non-agression. Look at the TV, even South Koreans hate Americans, which I don't blame them... The US military recklessly runs down their kids and rapes their women. We are guests in their country, but we are supposedly to help protect them. This same carelessness will carry over into the Iraq conflict as it did in Afghanistan, more civilan casualties and friendly fire "accidents." They said an estimate of 750,000 civilian casualties after the famine, disease and displacement of Iraqi citizens. I am sure that number is somewhat inflated, but Jesus Christ, one civilian casualty is a war crime in my book. But fuck it, it's not our problem while we sit on our couch watching live footage beamed via sattelite into our living rooms. It's almost just like a movie, it's not real...

I say disarm the entire world, quit the mass manufacturing of arms across the world today. Stop killing in the name of religion. Stop killing in the name of GOD. Spread the wealth, don't kill for it, stop searching for ways to use it to control others. Love thy neighbor. I know these are a just an old hippies dried up dreams, but wouldn't you like to turn on your TV for once without hearing about how fucked up this world is?

And as far as Mr. Republican Superstar...

Bush is just a puppet of the machine anyways, one person cannot have that much power, it takes commitees and advisors and speech writers and speech writer editors people to buy donuts for the speech writers and people to go think of things to write speeches about and so forth.... Shit Ronald Reagan was once quoted saying something to the effect of "I don't have a clue what's going on unless someone else tells me about it first" That's no verbatim but you get the point... G.W. Bush is just as clueless, he's a celeberty, an actor, a familiar face that you can expect to hear from in a televised address talking to people he doesn't know or care about.

go to sleep now children...

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Since I am american I have every right to say this: Bush is an ego-maniac who should be assasinated. :x

It truly sadens me to think that we are the ones who will start WWIII. The US will have NO allies, we are screwed. And if has the nerve to use nukes, there will be no more life as we know it. Sad, very sad.

BTW. People please keep your replies short. PLEASE!!!!!! I do not have time to read so much SHAT. I just pass the novels.

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Bush do the War in Iraq...

Ya help not Poll's or Demo's...

But that's not the point.

The point is, War in Iraq in a few weeks/days...

But we must hope that enough

people / Country's say no !

To HELP america, that they must build up the iraq ALONE...

Than we can see how many Milliard of Dollars they take Daily out for a democratic state... 1,5 Milliard of Dollar EVERY DAY

for the Troups in and arount IRAQ!!!

For that money...

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Wow there were some long post, and if i say sumthin alread said, my b...but i wasnt in the mood to read a novel

I think we should go to war only because if we dont i think that our nation will become less secure than it is. I mean if we let husane build missles hes not allowed to build, then whats keeping him from using them / selling them to terrorist.

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First off I hate Saddam i belive we should go to war with him.

Hes used his civilians as human sheilds. When the Us sent bombers to Iraq

to destroy military instilations he evacted the instilations and filled them with children. HES A MADMAN AND HE SHOULD BE STOPPED IMEDIATLY

Next on my agenda AUSTRAILA their fricken split rite down the middle some love america some like this stupid liberty hating prick dont

Trows Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:25 pm Post subject:


IMO, the only realson America wont attack North Korea is casuse NK will prolly kik there ass, and the fact taht america hasnt won a war since WW2 makes me wonder on why bush wants to go to war reallly bad.

I dont think we should go to war with north korea either but not becuz were gonna get are ass handed to us (That wouldnt happen anyway)

America is the Stongest military force in the world buddy. But any way i have no beef with north korea. There has always been a conflict between

Democracy and Communism USA and Cuba, The Cold War

North Korea its all the same all is a example of the struggle of different world powers and goverment. Every one wants to rule the world!

As for that turban wearer with a beaver on his face binladen. He said that he was going to support IRAQ. And if a war between the usa and iraq smokes him out of that shit hole cave hes hiding in then lets do it.

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