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MTA:mA:GRS Global Statistics


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eh that's fair :)

hopefully it won't be leaked.

hope you get it done soon Oli, MTA:Blue should have some kind of global stats in the future, but that will probably be coded in another way.

edit: wow something is messed up here, post ended up here, should be the latest :S

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OK the server is finished.. and the GRS itself it at about 90% completion. The website is now under construction, and once this is done i will release this.

The whole system works very nicely now aswell.. u can call up stats from players who arnt even in the server...


[FMJ]Oli: !gstat dave

(neither player was in the server at that time)

There are many more features.. such as a global nickserv for players stats (u have to login with /msg stats login aswell as ure normal login)

Ill keep u all informed :)

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this looks like very good work. Will it be much better than the other PHP server stat things that I have seen here?

well the difference is that this will be gathering detailed info about every player playing on any grs server. Its quite a lot larger than a simple PHP fetcher.. as it will have such a vast amount of data in comparison.

Ull be able to find the fav weapon of a server... the person who has the most kills in the world... how many times ure killed someone...

u get the idea ;)

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when he releases it :D

think they're waitin for the site to be done

Yes - Oli and I have been working on this since before Christmas, but noog (from fr4g.co.uk) only got the database structure and what we want to be on the website a couple of days ago.

your point being...?

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