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Whats the Point of Version 0.4.5 if there is blue?

Guest djg52488

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just a request, please stop using bold text :/

hmm there's only a part of the team working on Blue and other members working on 0.4.5, this version will fix crashes and hopefully also be more stable.

Also the GTA3 part will introduce a new island for us to play on, Shoreside Vale and character spawns :)

I think they want to make this core as stable as possible now!

I would find it confusing if MTA:0.4.5 will be released after Blue though, only us GTA3 fans would be playing it :)

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0.4.5 won't be released after Blue. 0.4.5 should offer a much more stable game as we've used the results from the error reporter to fix many issues that were in the SCM. Appart from this, it won't offer many features appart from the ones we've previously stated and a few special ones we haven't announced yet.


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  djg52488 said:
:DHi, i am just wondering whats the use of .4.5 if blue is comming out? Besides blue is 65% done and .4.5 is only 55% , fill me in, in all this i don't get it. lol , sorry. :shock:

Blue is a much larger undertaking than 0.4.5, so the fact that the progress bar is 10% higher does not necessarily mean that it is closer to release than 0.4.5.

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lol somehow I remembered MrBump saying that Staunton Island will be avaliable already in this next update. :)


  MrBump said:
this will be lost, ofcourse, in the next version where we get to play on all 3 islands of LC

It won't be lost, you will still not be able to travel from island to island (dodo excepted) so the action will be nicely compressed. Island will be a server option. Also note the next version will offer an updated version of the current island AND shoreside vale.

but Staunton is my favourite island and that's not going to be in the next version

Staunton will still be selectable.

Tell me if he made a big typo ;P

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  eAi said:
Well, thats news to me.

As I've said before VC will be mainly much more stable in 0.4.5, so yes, you should upgrade from 0.4.1. to 0.4.5.


stable is good, but what about gameplay balance( /me hates stubby, it shoud be taken out and be hidden somewhere in far far place dificult to find)

also say no to spawn wars, give each skin at least three different spawns like for example police and crusader have....

ps sorry for little offtopic :wink:

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