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DJ-Mills eXperimental gAming (E-Frag)


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DJ-Mills eXperimental gAming (E-Frag), a server found in the United Kingdom ASE.

It's a great server, some of it's features:

!Cashhelp -

PM from Admin: cash can be earned with certain skins

PM from Admin: !bank+ or !bank+ (ammount) will store cash in the bank

PM from Admin: !bank- or !bank- (ammount) will withdraw cash from the bank

PM from Admin: !bank will Show you bank balance (include ID for others)

PM from Admin: !cash will show how much cash you have on you (use ID for others)

PM from Admin: !fine (ID) will fine anyone on your land for all their cash

!Robhelp -

PM from Admin: !rob will steal money from someone

PM from Admin: !wanted shows all wanted people

PM from Admin: !scrap will scrap your car (in junkyard) (gets you cash)

PM from Admin: !bribe will pay off the cops (when said in VCPD HQ)

PM from Admin: !rig riggs a car with a carbomb

PM from Admin: !buy will buy weapons (ie carbombs) (in ammunation)

PM from Admin: !sell will sell a car to sunshine autos, price depends on damage

!Cophelp -

PM from Admin: !wanted shows all wanted people

PM from Admin: !ar will arrest

PM from Admin: you get 250 dollars per wanted point for each arrest!

!Househelp -

PM from Admin: !houses (ID) will show what houses someone owns

PM from Admin: !buyhouse will BUY any registered property on the map

PM from Admin: !sellhouse will SELL any registered you own

PM from Admin: !market (ammount) will put a house you own on the market

PM from Admin: !market off will take any house u have on the market, off

PM from Admin: !houselist will list all registered properties in vice

Example for cashhelp:

!bank+ 3000 - Put $3000 In bank.

Example for robhelp:

!rig - Rig a car with a bomb.

!rob [iD] - Rob somebody of their cash.

Example for cophelp:

!ar - Arrest a criminal.

Example for househelp:

!buyhouse - Will be the property you are at if you have the cash and if it's not already sold.

!fine [iD] - Will fine a trespasser on your property for their cash.

It's the best server around, seeing as it is a server where you can actually do something other then just deathmatch/stunt.

Save up and buy the best house, rig cars and watch enemys disapeer into darkness, arrest scum and put them where they belong.

Come to DJ-Mills eXperimental gAming (E-Frag) server, IP:, Port:2000

P.S -> DJ-Mills was not the person who crashed a few mta servers.

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Yeh, that is a problem..

Slothman, I guess it's an honor system based roleplay server? - You could put it that way, it's definetly a roleplay sort of server, when you say honor I get the feeling you mean America's Army honor.

Carbomb - You go to ammunation and buy the bomb, they are usually 1000$.

Then you are carrying that bomb, or how many you bought, around with you until you decide to get into a car, you don't have to do this, you could just get into a car and play normally, anyways my guide to rigging and successfully killing:

Get into a popular car, maybe a car at a popular spawn, maybe a car everybody likes.

When your in it, type !rig, this will 'rig' the car.

Now the car has a bomb in it.

(The bomb is only activated for 5 minutes, then it will not show up anymore).

After leaving the car, it activates, watch a local enemy or a common thug get in and watch them die nicely. :)

*Admin slaps Slothman

*Admin slaps Slothman

*Admin slaps Slothman

*Admin slaps Slothman

*Admin slaps Slothman

Slothman died in result of a carbomb.

(Is what will happen when you get in).

Anyways, my favourite bit about this exellent server is I own a great house on Starfish Island. :P

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yeh theres a problem with 2 admins i have come across so-far. some retard named Twig and TLR Dan or w/e the fuck it is i dont even care.

They are admin abusers. You are not allowed to shoot them, or they kick you and if you come back and accuse them of admin abuse they ban you. Watch out for these whores. I got a chat log here im just waiting to get a hold of DJ Mills so he can sort out these losers.

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yeah they are a bunch of bitches, that get pwned and then cry about it by kicking/banning.

You guys forgot to mention the fact that u blatently went against the rules. You were not only kicked my me and Dan but also by the Client admin who saw it all.

You broke the rules, u got kicked, you flamed, flamed, flamed, and flamed again after a number of kicks you were banned yet to come back again and flame. Read the server rules, we did not get pwned, after i first kicked you you didnt enter game again, only connected to bitch an whine like a little baby.

Grow up guys.

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yeah they are a bunch of bitches, that get pwned and then cry about it by kicking/banning.

You guys forgot to mention the fact that u blatently went against the rules. You were not only kicked my me and Dan but also by the Client admin who saw it all.

You broke the rules, u got kicked, you flamed, flamed, flamed, and flamed again after a number of kicks you were banned yet to come back again and flame. Read the server rules, we did not get pwned, after i first kicked you you didnt enter game again, only connected to bitch an whine like a little baby.

Grow up guys.

what you said above does not even come close to the log. Because dan pissed me off so i off'd him in the bank - there's already an auto-frag for bank killers in the script. Im aware of my consequences and you never kicked others before me so why dont you learn to not abuse your admin and own up afterwards.

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w/e man, i'd love to see how u edit the log, i kicked TLR:Andy aswell for the same offence, you two werent the only ones.

Own up? to what? dealing with a couple of idiots who think they can act hard hiding being a PC.

And gore i cant remember kicking you myself, that was the Client admin who was watching over the event. He even asked you two to leave it, after which weall shut up apart from you two.

Anyway typing back to a couple of morons is a waste of time i could write more but you arent worth it.

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