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MTA Error Report Tool


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In an effort to make the next release of MTA 0.4 (not the new core) as stable as possible, we've just released a new tool which reports information about MTA's crashes to us so that we can fix them.

You can download the tool at http://www.opencoding.net/ereport/MTA-ERT-13.zip (194KB). Installation is very easy, just open the zip file and choose the relevant installer (GTA3 and/or Vice City) and you're done.

When an error occurs, you'll get a new dialog that may as you to fill out an error report to tell us what was happening. This is, of course, optional.

Thanks for downloading the tool, and helping solve the crashes! If you have any problems with the tool, use the comments area to tell us.

Also see the discussion thread on this topic at viewtopic.php?t=9703

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356 error reports so far (88% Vice City), 24.79% are from a single error (vehicle related). Only 15.49% of reports had user's "notes" attached to them (bad).

85% of you used VC 1.0. 5.6% are running Windows XP (No service packs), 49% are running Windows XP SP1, 29.3% are running Windows XP SP2, 13.24% are running Windows 2000 SP4 and 2 of you are running Windows 98 SE (strangely).

Keep it up!


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Well, after seeing those stats, eAi, I decided to play a bit of GTA3 to even up the ratio somewhat. It crashed once and I submitted comments as per usual, no problems there.

The next time it crashed, it just froze and there was nothing I could do about it. Is there a way for the utility to detect freezes? Or if not, perhaps a button that you can click manually to get the info and then submit a report manually?

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GF: I screwed up the server then noticed about an hour later (no reports came in), its fixed now.

  Posty said:
Oli, then why is it that after I installed it, both GTA3 and VC stopped working.... But, what's weird is. My killer kip gta3 install isnt running either. I don't know why it won't run.
Have you tried deleting your .set file in your saved games folder?


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