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MTA:mA General Release Script & Readme v4.14


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File / Size (bytes)

mtama.mrc 248495

mtama.dll 139776

grs.dll 62976

wizard.bmp 21816

admin.ini 925

ping.jpg 31435

splash.jpg 16133




*Memo-Serv added

*/msg memoserv script added for admins

*!memo added for admins

*Memo-Serv dialog added

*Admin secrecy system added (optional)

*/msg admin secret added for admins

*Admin commands updated for secret admins

*!used script added

*!kills script added

*!idle script added

*!unban sunbet warning

*Favorite weather reported on !weather

*Updater popup bug on menu close

*Constant weather announce option added

Enjoy :)

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!ch for stunt mode?


[FKU]Jani: !ch love

PM from Admin: You are challenging 'LovePump'. Please wait for them to accept [30 secs]

LovePump: !ch yes

PM from Admin: 'LovePump' has accepted your challenge

A challenge has begun between 'LovePump' and '[FKU]Jani'

wtf do i do now?

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It's all in the name...

Login as an admin then do "/msg admin secret" to toggle the secret status on/off. Then when you join, the login message isn't shown, when someone does !admin, you aren't shown, and you can do "/msg !" to do admin commands secretly.

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I don't know how much demand there is for this but I would love...

say kick and ban from the IRC echo

The way it used to work is

+v can talk to the game server (but it shows thier name from IRC)

+h Can kick ppl in the server

+o Can ban ppl in the server

It kinda went away after ingame admin became possible but it would still be very useful...

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Also please allow it to echo admin /mes, weather, time, mta.command :D

And also, setting channels for each mtama server slot ;)

Yeah I forgot how much has changed since the last IRC echo admin was around

It would be ideal if the echo admin had all the powers the ingame admin have

weather, slap, tempban, !setping etc...

Hope that's just enough challenge and not too much ;)

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I already have all commands included in my echo script:

I have it setup with some irc ! commands, and to speak to the server, you just do !, and this echos " on irc: blah blah blah" but if they're an op it echos ": blah blah blah" so they can use !! to do any command from irc, hope ya understand :P

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Its fairly easy to create your own echo script complete with on-irc administration to run alongside oli's admin one, or on its own, but if oli intends to include it then theres little need.

But for those of you that dont wish to run everything and only need a few specific abilities be aware it is possible stand-alone.

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Strange i want a !suspect script and !jail script do someone know where i can get it ?

Start a new thread, i think there someone who know will answer if they see the new topic title, but they wont see it in here.

I'm soorry i dont know the script, cant help you with that (except making the script, but i stopped scripting)

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