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Honorary Members


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FMJ are refusing to play any honourary members, we will ONLY have them in the roster as a sign of good will towards other clans, and they will ONLY be clan leaders. I have for a long time (since FMJ started in august i think) not let my members join other crews.

And FMJ will join this "dont fight clans with honourary members in the match" policy, seems like a fair enough point to me.

Oh and kfg dont mind dom, hes just tesing u out i think :P

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Zircon,the aim of this is to draw the guidelines.

Seems to me there is a core of good size clans building up,and lots of healthy competition.

There will be a 'Top' clan,and a pecking order will eventually be settled.

The way i see it,KFC and ULK pretty much rule the roost between the two of you.

Were hoping to rock the boat a little ,but as it stand now,you Two top the lot.

But i cant say that ULK come out on top,if they use other clan players to represent them.

If anyone wants to proclaim there Superiority , then i believe they have to show it in strength.

Stronger in skills,and a stronger team.

You muddy the waters when you bring other clans into your team,it dilutes your claim,you may win a game,but ULK didnt.

ULK/FMJ/whoever won the match.

Im just saying,if you really want to say your the best,then prove it by having a 100% ULK team.

As for Utopia,hes 100% KFC,though obviously you have other issues there.

Im not telling you how to choose your team,but its how it looks :?

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  Blue Zircon said:
Beside the point. We only had one honorary on our team (you) and the rest were full members... I don't really see a problem with that.

There is no real problem,all i am getting at is,if ULK are really one of the best,why use other clan players?

I know you played 8 ULK against us,and you won.

It just looks like,when it looks like a toughie,you get a 'Honorary member' to bolster your ranks.

Oli is leader of FMJ,he is a FMJ player,he can play for who he wants,and im not getting at Oli,he is purely an example.

But playing for ULK in clan matches?

Are you telling me ,you only get an Honorary member when you are short?

Or is it only when you feel you need some help?

Perhaps you didnt rate us as highly as KFC,cos the way it looks,you got Oli in to help beat KFC.

If you had beaten KFC,then your victory wouldnt of reflected entirely upon ULK,after all,you needed an 'Honorary member' to do it.

I only wanted to have a debate about this,VCES and KFC have stated their position on Honorary members,and requested they arent played against us.

ULK have agreed not to use them against us,but im not telling you to do this with everyone you play.

If other clans dont mind,then sure use whoever you want.

Now here is a strange thing,Oli is Honorary VCES ,purely because of our friendship.

We could ask him to play with us against you,and if he did,he would be playing with FMJ,ULK and VCES.

And he would play against ULK and VCES at some stage,perhaps as an FMJ or an ULK/VCES.

WTF is all that about?

So a player plays with the new york jets,against the new york giants,the following week he plays for the new york giants against the washington redskins,and the following week he plays for his own team,the La raiders against the new york jets?

Doesnt happen does it?

If we have our clans and our teams,we should stick to them.

Honorary - Held or given as a mark of honor, especially conferred as an honor without the usual adjuncts: an honorary degree.

Honorary - Holding a title or place without rendering service or receiving reward; as, an honorary member of a society.

Anyway,i see this thread finished with,some agree with me an kung,some dont,we will not tell you how to run your clan.

We only ask that when you fight VCES/KFC ,you use ULK only members.

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lol i love how much of an example i am there ron... not sure how to interpret that :?

but i agree with ure definitions of honourary there..

I doubt id ever play for VCES.. not in a match, i play with u guys in ure theme games and practice sesions mainly for the fun of it.. and i very rarely play in ULK as an honourary, infact i think thats the 2nd time its ever happened.

As for FMJ, we agree with what u guys r saying about using them. We did once and ive said the reasons. Im surprised its become so much of a point to be frank, but hey i guess a lot of things are up in the air atm.

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isnt this really as simple as just stipulating wether people can invite others to make up numbers BEFORE the match?

ring-ins are common in matches. You take actual members first regardless of skill, then honorary if they around then just any old person to make up numbers

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lol,Soz Oli,i have over used you in this thread a bit lol. :lol:

Your right though ,you'd never represent VCES,not because your crap,i'd love to have plenty of players with your skill. :wink:

Its because your FMJ,we play against you,and i recruit players to fight alongside me.

My members would leave if i used other clan players in matches,its one of the main reasons they join.

I realise this isnt a massive problem,and i have singled out ULK and you Oli,purely because its the most recent example.

The aim of this thread was to debate an issue,which would of been raised sooner or later.

I recall a match VCES played when we first formed,i cant recall who it was against but DeathB was the Ref.

We refused to play as the other team had over half Honorary players,and i had my first 'Aggressive chat' with Death lol.

And as we are all playing on a regular basis now,i wanted to clear the issue before i went against ULK or whoever,and found myself facing any 'Honorary members'.

Anyway Oli,2 things,when we playing next,and is it a European League Game? :P

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  xerox said:

ring-ins are common in matches. You take actual members first regardless of skill, then honorary if they around then just any old person to make up numbers

Thats where i get confused,most of the clans playing in matches have large memberships,and the matches are planned in advance.

VCES have 20 members,match teams are normally 8,yet i always have 2 Subs.

And i rotate my teams slightly each week,to give all my members a chance.

KFC,ULK,TMM,FMJ are all in a similar position or better in regards numbers.

If you cant raise 8,make it 7 v 7.

Ring-ins is improving your team by getting better player/s,when you feel what you have already, isnt good enough. :?

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ron, im doing the league site update TODAY, which is badly overdue... like 11 days or something silly... ive been really busy with work and sorting out moving house in a few weeks... that and most eu clans are busy with exams atm.

Im not sure what the schedules r gonna look like yet, but as UT died and EG died i think im gonna start moving clans into the main league to give it a kick start again.

Anyways check the league site later, ill be doing it when i find at least an hour to actually do it in :(

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I've just remembered something.

Before I took the tests to join FMJ, I was being trained up.

During this period I recall being asked to play in a match with the FMJ tag, although not actually a member yet. I think it was the day before I was gonna take the tests. That was because FMJ were short.

I think that before a couple of weeks ago FMJ had a few problems having enough members around. But now that it's just had a surge of new players and possibly some more soon, I don't think there will be any further problems with numbers.

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OK,i think this topic has died its death.

Both sides of the coin have been looked at,and i dont think the issue will cause any problems in the future.

We all know where we stand,if other clans like to use honorary members,i have no probs,as long as it isnt against us.

I was really trying to get some uniformity with all the clans over a particular issue.

Off Topic - have any of you 'caught' some skin in a zipper before?

Fuck me it,does it bring tears to one's eyes :shock:

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Jesus this still going on......Anyway only honuary member i got is Oli ive never agreed to honuary members either to me its just a a thing were sum1 can play in more then 1 gangwar at a time plus i think clans who have lots of honuary members r just shit at recruiting and training there own as we have done since the start.

But Ya oli is a good m8 of mine and he joined TmM and ask to be a honuary member cuz TmM was alot more active back then when we first started out.

Thats it. :shock:

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  [FMJ] chode said:
  {TmM} (v)aD(v)iKe said:
Jesus this still going on......Anyway only honuary member i got is Oli

thats cos oli's a clan whore :lol:

wow chode i love how u post so often here and how useful ure posts are :)

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For Gods sake, Is no thread safe? Both your gang thread where locked to stop the endless arguing, and now your bringing it into here. It has NOTHING to do with the question posed by this thread.

You two are never going to agree and are just going over all the same ground in more imaginative ways. Don't make others suffer by getting thier threads locked too please.

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yes.. all that crap is gone now. It doesnt even matter, anyone who cares to have read all that stuff must have already. The only thing that can be done at this point is look over what happened and make your own judgement until some more information comes along. But even if that does happen DONT SPILL INTO ALL THE OTHER THREADS.

Good day.

Now let this thing go back on topic, honorary members. Not Utopias supposed cheating in the KFC vs. ULK match.

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Man, the flaming is getting bad :roll:

I'm reminded of some sage advice once given to me by a blind, 300 year old Vietnamese prostitute:

"Arguing on the Internet is like running in the special olympics; even if you win your still a moron"

Her words still hold true to this very day.

So I implore all you United Legion of Killers and KungFuGrip Fan Club Members,

we are all here to have fun. Stop being so serious :wink:

--The Doctor is Out 8)

/Pulls the football away just as you kick it

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I agree with slothman. All points of view on this topic are valid.

In my opinion, honorary members should be used in emergencies only.

Have a good day. 8)

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