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I quit KFC and a number of reasons why etc.

Guest -dreamgeNius-

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I quit, as most of you should know, as I try and disclose why in the KFC public section, my posts are modified etc. Then my threads were locked, modified and when I tried to start a new one I was banned. I didn't want it to come to this. I just wanted to disclose lightly, why I am leaving. But now I have no choice.

KFC wheel is editing my posts in the PUBLIC, general section.. changing my avatar.. my sig as well.. and of course my wording, Etc. I would just like to say that they show they are sad I quit KFC, and are handling it very badly laugh. It's ok they may get over the huge lose they just encountered but I don't think they will change there lame ways...

Wheel has gone as far to edit my posts in the Public section etc. to try and keep these things covered up. Even changing my name, adding drama queen in etc. All to try and get me to be quiet, but it won't work. I know what I know. that's that. Then wheel keeps locking all the threads that I am using in the PUBLIC section... commenting and getting the last word on everything little thing just cause he can edit it in the forum. But I will be posting this EXACT messege across many forums... with some other information people may find interesting, laugh.

Did you know that KFC has kicked people from the server that had 200+ kills? Leaders, not just members, have actually kicked players on their server out of spite/jealousy... sad isn't it. If you are a player that has had high kills then "suddenly" kicked post up your story, laugh. They constantly talk shit about people especially the MTA team and any rival clan, and will whatever they can to win, including exploiting all glitches etc.

If you try quiting such as I did all they did was make a big fuss over it and try and make fun of me in anyways they could (after I denied their lame plead for me to stay).

Oh and wheel.. how could you be so stupid? He tried to get the last word on a post that he locked, so he "tried" to change my sig and then added a comment.. which obviously backfired.


I'm done with KFC, I'm done with all the politics they are envolved in and I'm done with all the crap they do. I have all the posts of what happened incase anything is distorted. Some of the members in KFC aren't that bad but as for the leadership.. I laugh.

Least I know they can't edit this post, and as some of you may know KFC has a record of tampering with threads so to speak, laugh.


P.S. Laugh.


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Did you know that KFC has kicked people from the server that had 200+ kills? Leaders, not just members, have actually kicked players on their server out of spite/jealousy... sad isn't it

thats funny seein u kicked me for tellin u off cuz ur really anoyed me

so dont say that is sad when u do it ur self

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yeh, it think this post is dumb, what do you want doon, QUIT THE GANG AWARD 8) , I did not fucking advertise on all MTA that I quit KFC, well yeh they do kick people for nothing, or I even got banned a couple of times, but I do not fucking care,it is in the past just forget it, and also you saying about making fun of people, I did not even say anyting when you sayed shit about me

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i think DooN is free to his opinion. in servers ive seen DooN with over 200+ kills and ive seen him in there for the whole weekend at times, and when hes playing he rarely talks unless spoken to, he doesnt cheat, he his very skilled and i think he is a great loss to KFC. I dont think this post is dumb, i think he has the right to let everyone know whats going on..so now its done, official. ok. on to bigger and better things, right?

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well, look at it this way.. he made a whole new topic to let all the forum know about whats wrong with KFC.

now the point is, hes NOT supposed to let the world know, just because of the fact that NOBODY CARES except for kfc themselves and people who are related to them (ie. other clan mambers).

i suggest that this topic will be deleted, and the post itself moved to the kfc thread where it belongs.

about DooN being a good player, to THAT i can only say "yes indeed", but i can also say that hes having certain problems with his personality (like saying "laugh" instead of actually laughing(and some kfc's started using it too...)). i think you DooN actually quit because they havnt treated them him as he wanted to.

BUT i know quite a few kfc members, and most of them are good people, and as i see it, DooN werent respecting them as well.

well.. ive spoken my mind... anyone understood?

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The drama! Its like a soap opera! How about we all grow up and get over it.

l0l... i dont still know what they talk about.... ive been on kfc gang befor

when it was maybe like 3 members but after that my mta didnt work so was forced too quit kfc...its still a point less tread this will not get you back in the clan what i think so and its filling the databas so point less post not good for the databas even if they kick u what does this help just forget this and join another clan if u so good or play single for awhile...

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right. DooN pwns kfc, with all the kfc DooN wanna be's. haha oh god. how many of you were saying "laugh."? right. DooN pwns KFC

Like I said before, I hope I never quit KFC and turn into that ^

Anyway... No one can argue that DooN was a valuable member.

He quit.

Oh damn.

What are we going to do about it?!

There's nothing to do about it, and unfortunately DooN's behavior is reflecting actions that are suitable for DA recruitment.

So, it's a shame to see what he's resulted to.

Oh well.


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