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Is it possible to play a modded Vice City with MTA?

Guest Coldstone

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Hello everyone, I have created a mod pack for GTA Vice City, and many people have downloaded it, and it works great! but the problem is, is that many people enjoy playing MTA and have told me that MTA will not run with my mod. Now I DO NOT support cheating or anything like that, but is there a way to get a mod to work with MTA? thanks in advance. Coldstone.

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Well thx for the info, i just thought there was a way to play a mod on MTA, btw maddog you don't need to be a butthead, it's not like your ava had much effort in it either. jeez first post here and getting flamed already.

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jeez first post here and getting flamed already.

Yeah, the best anti-flame tactic is not to ask questions (on any forum). I don't, and I've managed to remain flame-free so far :P

Edit: Hmmm.... it might have been wiser to keep that to myself, on second thoughts. Oh well, I'll see how it goes...

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Not for now. Plz wait a year and ask again.

Prokopis means that the team want to be able to support mods in the future (note that I said "want to" and not "will be able to for certain"), but not with the current core, and probably not the next one either.

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btw maddog you don't need to be a butthead

i can't seem to find someone with the nick maddog.....

maybe i would give a normal answer if you did a search or read the manual or anything else, and since you didn't do it, i wont give a normal answer :)

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Maddog, Madboy it's not you matter anyway, but thanks to everyone else, I just wanted to know if it was possible, before I disassemble the program. anyway thanks. you can have your forum back i'm outta here. and couldn't care to return.

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Wow... I wonder why this hasn't been locked yet :roll:

No modding with MTA, thats the rules. If you mod you will get banned.

topic_lock.gif Locked.

p.s. The Bill Gates to Adolf Hitler thing was kinda funny, despite Mad_Boy's slander.

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