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[VCA] Vice City Army - ....Server details to be updated....


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Definately, things have been a bit hectic my end lately with school holidays and the kids here, and mta stuff inbetween, but 'normal service' is resumed now and i think a gangwar shakedown would do us some good.

So guys, please post in here or pop into irc and let us know if you are up for a rumble :)

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Sounds fine for me quig, but we are a pretty 'casual' gang (i.e. a lot of us have real life stuff that can take priority) so i will have ensure we have enough peeps available for then. I can probably get enough 'members' (peeps who are VCA but also in other gags), but I'd prefer to get the hardcore VCA'ers together for it.

Eiter way, even if we are short handed lets go for it

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IM up for a ging fight, just got my internet back up and running, and havent had a chance to play much tho. I have saturday off, and my girlfriend has already claimed that day for her, but i may be able to get a hour or so to play :D set a time and i shall see what i can do.


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