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stuff we do NOT want in the next release


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i think the client should stay.

when i play mta it chrashes a lot, but i can pres start game,

and i'm back soon. You don't cut the conection whit the server.

if it is an ingame menu, you 'll have to restart mta, and reconect to the server. If the ingame menu don't remember the last server, you 'll have to go back to ase or gayspy or looking for the IP...

another problem is that the server could be full if you came back after a crash.

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Erm, a few things here:

  futuritis said:
I think the client should stay.[...]

Who said (or even suggested) anything about removing the client and working the MP solely from ingame? Do you even consider that logical?

  eAi said:
What if it doesn't crash a lot?

By the time MTA stop crashing "a lot" we'll be well past version 0.6, so it might be best to stay realistic here.

  JonChappell said:
When it crashes, I always disconnect and then reconnect in case someone thinks I'm a pauser.[...]

Yeah, better for them to think you're a retard than a cheater...

Seriously Jon, wtf?

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IMO the only things in the client that might need tweaking would be the main text's initial scrolling setting (follow the last entry instead of stay @ start as it is now) and the disconnect button being the default selection, which causes ppl pressing space >2 times by accident to bail a serv with all the consequences that might entail.

Oh and I suppose previous messages buffering (4-5 last ones) and fast retyping by pressing up (IRC- or command prompt-style) from ingame as well as in the client could also be something to consider, since it would surely come in handy in the cases of text dropping due to packet loss and fast re-PMing.

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Previous messages buffering would make it far too easy for someone to flood, not serious 200 lines a second flood, but annoying child like;







type floods.

As for messages not getting through, youll find they are in fact getting thru, just not echoing back to you when latency and packet loss is high. In other words everyone else saw you say it even if you didnt.

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Just because it can be abused, that doesn't mean it can't be useful. If that was our prime mentality behind anything, we'd still be eating without utensils. I mean who cares if ppl could use it to flood? When you see them do that, you just ban them on the spot, or use a very simple flood script to deal with these kiddes. Besides, if someone wants to flood, they can do it as it is right now by just pasting the same shit over and over from the client.

Point is it would help a lot in the cases I mentioned above. Suppose you want to privately arrange something with another player called SomeWeirdo123. Every time you'd want to reply to him you'd have to type "/msg SomeWeirdo123 ". Just for saying "ok", or "omw", or "meet you there" or something, you'd have to type all that preliminary stuff again and again; it can get very frustrating very quickly, believe me.

And as far as lost text is concerned, I don't see what you base your argument on. It's UDP and UDP's simply unreliable. It can get lost on its way to the serv as much as it can on its way back - same % chance in both cases when you use the same route back n' forth. Just cause you may have seen text appear multiple times on your end (either tending to the serv or from your client) by ppl resending and saying it isn't going through, that doesn't mean it's like that every time. Hell, for all you know what you see on the chat box could only be 50% of all ppl are trying to say. Resending by pressing up would help with this problem as well.

Anyway, you can keep shootin down my proposition if you must, but at least pls acknowledge that it'd be helpful as it addresses issues yet not resolved by any other means.

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We dont want to encourage people to sit in the client chatting. Its a means to an end not a miniature IRC program.

Dropped chat: try it yourself, ask others, your chat isn't being dropped when you dont see it. (but of course you know better than the team right?)

Theres a much more logical way to deal with pm sending, one that you will see in its initial stages in 0.4.

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somthing else that i don't like is the night or the rain. can't you stop the time at an nice houer in the day, and if some guys like the time, can't it be stopped in the stundserver.

maybe someone else said this, but my friends are always complaining to me because it always rains in my server 8)

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  The Vendetta said:
I've never seen rain in MTA.


It does rain in mta quite some times acctually, but i know why you never seen it rain , CAUSE YOU ONLY PLAY DM :P

In stunt it rains sometimes, i dont think you can play a day on it without raining, it adds some difficulty to stunting and just plain driving , sometimes good but sometimes you just dont want it to rain.

You should try stunt , it has quite a few things that dm doesnt, ( not just ramps and more bikes)


  futuritis said:

the last days i also don't see a lot or rain, but that 's my trainer

Thanks for letting us all know you cheat ill be sure to tell all the admins i know to ban you on sight .

Edited by Guest
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  Prokopis said:
  JonChappell said:
When it crashes, I always disconnect and then reconnect in case someone thinks I'm a pauser.[...]

Yeah, better for them to think you're a retard than a cheater...

Seriously Jon, wtf?

Well, it's my assumption (I've never actually seen what happens because VC exits obviously) that when it crashes, it leaves me just frozen in one spot, as if I were pausing.

And why would they think I'm a retard?

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Here is my question...

I dont use trainers, but I tweek my cars useing that numtels thing, I dont do it only to be fast but I crave tweeking it to find good combos. With that all tweeked I dont play deathmatch, I played it for a couple days and have soley converted. Now I ONLY play stunt and ONLY on servers that support vehicle mods, that is including my own server which I play on mostly. I dont see the harm done play a mode not based on abbility, on servers that allow it, with people that dont mind.

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  Ape said:
Here is my question...

I dont use trainers, but I tweek my cars useing that numtels thing, I dont do it only to be fast but I crave tweeking it to find good combos. With that all tweeked I dont play deathmatch, I played it for a couple days and have soley converted. Now I ONLY play stunt and ONLY on servers that support vehicle mods, that is including my own server which I play on mostly. I dont see the harm done play a mode not based on abbility, on servers that allow it, with people that dont mind.


no comment ^^

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  Ape said:
Here is my question...

I dont use trainers, but I tweek my cars useing that numtels thing, I dont do it only to be fast but I crave tweeking it to find good combos. With that all tweeked I dont play deathmatch, I played it for a couple days and have soley converted. Now I ONLY play stunt and ONLY on servers that support vehicle mods, that is including my own server which I play on mostly. I dont see the harm done play a mode not based on abbility, on servers that allow it, with people that dont mind.

where's your question? :P

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