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If you get into a hotring as a passenger in the hotring and you are driven out the whole city is a gray wasteland and the only things you see are syned objects like cars health and ppl. The health spots are the only way you know your way around

I'll post a screen later unless someone else posts it first. It was funny

btw ransom NO PAUSING!!!!! j/k :lol:

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Hi! :D

Today i bring u the key to..


Well.. This is nothing sooo.. great coz the person who will b teleported gots to *restart* game.. or make this when u crash ;)

This is what Ransom and me discovered yesterday :D :

1-Needed to b 2 or more ppl.

2-One of u got to get a car or another (NO BIKES!!! :P ) and go with it where u want to b teleported.

3-Place car where u want to go *driver gots to get out of car for a few seconds while u come in game*

Most of u sure knows this1 but its for info ;)

**(When u restart game everything in game goes to deafult.. i mean all vehicles goes to their respective places where they re located in MTA >unless some1 is using them<)** (..u get it? ;) )

4-Who will b teleported gots to go where car is parked as usuall... and get in as passenger .. if u get in as driver ull jack the car :( . When u get as passenger driver shoulds c ya in vehicle as passenger where ever he is.

5-Once u get in car as passenger!!!!! :wink: driver will get in as

driver ... u wont b teleported till vehicle makes some movement (reverse or forward)

And thats all :?

No pics coz it hasnt a cool effect or something like that.. just teleport.

Enjoy it :D (if u want ;) )

Im still sry bout my english :P



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yeah that is funny when that happens

Ever been a passenger when someone else spawnjacked the car? Now you are across town and you are the jackers passenger

That is a funny glitch and it can be useful I guess but the cars are not always in the default positions for me when I restart the game

It might be a cool way to see who his speed/flying car hacking too

when you can't read the name you can just hop in the car

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For what turbob suggests to happen, the vehicle has to be vacant in order to get in it as a passenger, so how could you use that as a method to tell if ppl driving or flying at that time are hacking? They're either driving or they're not :?...

You must have misunderstood us both... or maybe I misunderstood him

What you can do is get in the speedhacking car where is spawns (as a passenger) and you will be speeding in his car with him where you can clearly read the name. When you get into a car that is in game as a passenger you teleport to the cars position if you get in as a driver you spawnjack the current driver

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Car must b parked when the teleported guy spawns or driver got to b in but >cant moves car< in no moment, here a compressed

example :P

Subject D-driver.

Subject T-teleported 1.

-Gets burrito from robbers spawn and goes to mr whoopee back yard (no ppl place so no1 to jacks it) and gets out of car till he can c as passenger in car.

-Types "/quit" and on chatbox restart game again.

-Spawns at robbers spawn where he can c the burrito coz is not using it.

-Gets in burrito as passenger.

-Gets in as driver and go forward or reverse with car.


It also works at the oposite way... the car can b respawned at his place by teleported guy if driver gets in as passenger.

Lol what a example :P i hope u can do it :)



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Hi! :D

Today its a honor for u guys to know fred*. :P

Get overhere:


Land your heli somewhere here and b carefull it dont falls ;)


Hawks!!.. and whats that shape just on hawks way?..


...maybe fred? :P



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Wouldn't the car be missing altogether if someone was driving it at the time you spawned? Malsyncing only works when cars are vacant and not in their spawn locations I believe.

We got this car teleport to work when the car was empty somewhere in town and the new player attempted to enter the same spawned car as a passenger.

I saw him appear by the car about to get in. Very Interesting

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Rofl. I'd heard about the cement shoes guy dunked into the drink somewhere under the seas of Vice, but for all my underwater heli searchin, I could never find him :\. So if I'm reading your radar right, it's somewhere to the west of LL then?

And yeah KFG, that's how you'd pull a teleport off. That's why I was sayin the car has to be stationary. In most ppl's case when this happens, it's by accident and it's because two players will get in the same car with a 1-2 sec time difference; lag does the rest.

PS: Yeah Ransom, nice shoes. Really :P.

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Old trick but..

Do u know u can drive by bloodring walls??.. (rightnow dont remeber if its bloodring or hotring..just where car wars:P)

Get a fast car and try driving against wall.. ull jump to the wall and still driving!! :)

...here today i can promise u get on top of the "MTA building".(Building near malibu.. where characters on top :P "



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  • 2 weeks later...

Please. 1 or 2 images per post is ok. But 24 is crazy. If everyone did that nobody would bother waiting for the massive page to load. Please provide a link to an offsite location if you wish to provide this many images. Thanks

EDIT: This ended up long and heavy (1.75MB, 24 pics total) hope it's worth it. Plz be warned and patient ;).

Okay, BUMP cause this a really cool topic, let's not forget.

I've got some stuff to show you, many of them even before the easter holidays, so it's time for t3h glitch0rz once again!!1

First off, yeah what happened to that promise turbob? You owe us a glitch if I'm not mistaken. Oh and make sure it's not the one that was shown months ago and was even made a vid of ;) (where you could move one of the ghosts on the roof of the WK Chariot, but that did NOT mean you spawned and THEN went up there, just to be clear).

Now for my bit - well at least part of it, cause I've got a ton of good screenies to share, but that'll happen in another post probly to avoid filling a whole page :o.

As you know, to complete the "Two Bit Hit" SP mission, you have to use the Havana outfit (cuban gang clothes). Problem is, due to some schtupid glitch/map editing error @ R*, the outfit is afterwards rendered unattainable for the rest of the game, so if you change clothes, you can't use those again. There seems to be some transparent surface blocking you from running into the pickup, which also reduces the indoor area of the shop to just a small square. Here's the deal:

Anyways much like every1 else, I accepted this and moved on, but today while playing SP for a change, I came upon the shop again and (after the experiences with this thread that broadened my horizons :)) I had a brainfart. And it worked too!!!

Now I checked with GameFAQs.com and it seems most FAQ's don't even mention the problem, much less offer a solution to it, except for one and the method it suggests is IMO not very realistic, so I'll show you the 2 ways I found which should hopefully be easier to follow.

First method is IMO easier and involves using a PCJ, which is strangely common to find @ those streets. That surface is impassable, but the pickup isn't really enclosed from all sides and you can get it by jumping into it and then freefalling under Vice. To do this, place a PCJ like the pic shows. The key to knowing it's in the right position is that you exit behind the bike when you press enter to get off, but you can still ride it again. If you go too much inside, you may have one hell of a time getting it unjammed shoving, running and pushing, so watch it.


Then jump on it roughly at the pillion's seat. You can tell if you've found the sweet spot, as it'll get you slightly higher than any other, only then will you be able to see the following view and it won't bump you back (which will happen if you do it wrong).


From there you get a rough idea of how hollow the whole thing is. Now you only have to turn and run-jump carefully to the icon. You should pick up the outfit while you're falling, but that's ok; the damage is minimal.

You re-emerge on the street outside, et voila! The clothes are now yours and no longer on display :).


The only difficulity of this process would be parking the bike and jumping on it right, but that can easily be done in a short amount of time.

The second method occurred to me first and is a bit trickier. I thought, since I couldn't force my way from the side, I'd try from the front and above. The thing is, the area right above the display window is solid, but very thin and we know how to sqeeze through those, right? I was probly having turbob in my mind :P...

So, first we need some nades, which are conveniently located nearby :).

Then we need a way to get up there first, so we jack a passing car (for example a Perennial) and make a stool out of it.

Now comes the icky part, of which unluckily I don't have a pic cause it was my very 1st test and I didn't expect much, so bear with me and use your imagination: you have to climb on top of it so that you're still under that ledge and not sticking out and throw a nade iin the right direction to push you up. That will either happen by the first blast, or by the car blowing up, BUT there's a big chance it won't happen at all. Either way, you're sure to be left pretty fuc,ked up (less than 20 health, but the hospital's right around the other corner). If done right, you should get knocked down, but pushed upwards and when you stand up again you'll be able to see the pickup.

MISSING PIC #3 (should be showing Tommy standing mid-air "inside" the ledge facing the pickup) I'll do a few more tries, see if I can recreate it.

Now simply walk/fall into it like before and come out at the street outside (pic 4!..... cue pic 4 damnit :@).

See? No bike this time and no pickup anymore either. And that's all there is to it.

If you ask me, choosing the 1st way is a no-brainer, cause there's no getting hurt or dying involved (which is plenty possible and can be annoying just to get a damned skin). In fact, that FAQ suggests something similar to my 1st as well, although it says the bike should be on its side and you should jump like a maniac on it until your head gets "lodged in" the ceiling or something along those lines that makes no sense to me... go figure :?.

Anyway, since this's probly been way too much text and not enough colorzzz for you, I'll throw in some pics of my latest MTA ventures to spice things up a bit and cheer you up :P. Here goes:

This one happened while I was riding a lame Sanchez into the back (north) wall of the PnS at the docks wheelie-style. Strangely I went through it and straight into the garage...

Guess I win a free wax job for that :o.

Sadly my bike got fubared with the first wall bump attempt so I just ran around inside a bit, till I got bored of missing the action and hit the switch --> x(. What do we got next?

Ahh, this one's cooky: "When the garbage collectors go on strike in Vice"

They just kept piling O_O...

I guess RISO has a right to some vacation too, but this is too much :P.

And then some wind picked up.

... aaaand I got bored and left :/.

BTW at some point [KFC]Crunch came by looking for some action and kinda got baffled by what I was doing. Anyway he died once, but insisted on bugging me coming again, seeing I wasn't paying much attention to him, yet still shooting at me again, getting critically injured, going in the mall to heal and back out to "fight" again with me busy shootin junk while dodgng his stubby. In the end he killed me, but I've yet to understand what his major malfunction is. Does every1 have to fight him whether they want to or not :??

On with the show.

A sample of post-modern art:

Bored of backseat drivers? Let them do it themselves!

One small shove-push for a man...

Good racing times from the older days 8)

Romance in the city?

Okay, I'm done. Sorry for overloading this, but I think it's a good thread and it deserves at least one good refreshment attempt; I mean it had sunk almost to the bottom of the page and that's simply unacceptable. Hope it was alright though and you like the pics n' stuff. So that's all... for now :twisted: (I've got more)

PS: Still waiting for that glitch turbo.

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