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Guest Steve

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Hey I'm an MTA noob, and I've been playing around. I love the game, it rox! However, I've noticed that MTA gives a huge advantage to people with high pings/latency. I've just made it a rule of thumb to not even engage people with a latency over 125 (depends on how lucky I feel). It's hopless to attack people with such high pings, because none of my bullets, hits, ect. register. Its slightly annyoing, and It would be nice if you guys could figure out a way to counter this issue

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just find a server with MTAMA with an ping script :D like my server:

Dredge:High ping kicker

This one I havent tested too much. It's a high ping kicker that calculates a 2 minute average of players ping and kicks him if its more than %max.

Please tell me if you have any suggestions about this script.

You need to set the %max ping value:

/set %max 300

And then write this to highping.mrc and load -rs it:

alias checkpings { 
 set %temp.i 0 
 while ( %temp.i < 26 ) { 
   set %temp.ping $mta.ping(1, %temp.i) 
   if ( ( %temp.ping > 1000 ) || ( %temp.ping < 0 ) ) { halt } 
   if ( %temp.ping != $null ) { 
     inc %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] 1 
     if ( %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] > 12 ) { 
       set %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] 1 
     set %ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ [ %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] ] ] %temp.ping 
     if ( %ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ ] 12 != $null ) { 
       set %temp.j 1 
       set %temp.average 0 
       while ( %temp.j <= 12 ) { 
         inc %temp.average %ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ [ %temp.j ] ] 
         inc %temp.j 1 
       set %temp.average $calc( %temp.average / 12 ) 
       set %average. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] %temp.average 
       if ( %temp.average >= %max ) { 
         /mta.say 1 Kicking $mta.name(1, %temp.i) for having average ping over %max 
         /mta.kick 1 %temp.i 
   inc %temp.i 1 
 unset %temp.* 
alias mta.start { 
 timerping 0 10 checkpings 
alias mta.join { 
 unset %ping. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ ] * 
 set %loop. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0 

Edited by Guest
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  MrBump said:
Or just learn to allow for the lag and shoot ahead, you can kill high pingers it just takes a little more time ammo and effort. Easy = boring right?

That depends, if the high ping is a side effect of excessive packet loss then all the aim in the world won't help. If it is simply distance related latency (AU-USA is 400+) then aiming ahead will work fine.

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I know what you guys are saying. Right now, I'm just doing what you guys said, trying to compensate for the latency. Its just that this game (MTA) is cool, but if the latency issue wasn't so bad MTA would become a truly great game.

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That high ping kicker script has problems. as soon as u connect to a server there usually is a short period (like 1 second) where your ping is very high while your connection stabalizes. hence it kicks alot of people people with very low pings just cuz their ping is high right when they connect. which is why i removed it from my server. maybe soemone can fix it.

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  Steve said:
Hey I'm an MTA noob, and I've been playing around. I love the game, it rox! However, I've noticed that MTA gives a huge advantage to people with high pings/latency. I've just made it a rule of thumb to not even engage people with a latency over 125 (depends on how lucky I feel). It's hopless to attack people with such high pings, because none of my bullets, hits, ect. register. Its slightly annyoing, and It would be nice if you guys could figure out a way to counter this issue

125 isn't high, learn to aim

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