Boffin Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 Would it be possible to make DJ-Mill's find car script on the page before only able to be used by cops, secret service, and vice city crusadors. Thank you. Link to comment
Mike Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 i think it would go something like this (not sure tho ) alias mta.enter { %carentid. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] = $Mta.vehicle($1,$2) } alias mta.exit { %carleft. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ %carentid. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] ] ] = $replace($replace($mta.area($1,$2),$chr(32),$chr(44) $+ $chr(32)),-,$chr(32)) } alias mta.command { if ($3 == !find) && ($$1,$2) == 1 || 5 || 6) { %fcarini = 1 :fcarini if ($4 isin $readini(,vehicle2,%fcarini)) { if (%validveh == $null) /set %validveh 0 if ($gettok($mta.vehicle($1,%fcarini).list,1,32) != -1) { !.timer 1 $calc(%validveh) mta.msg $1 $2 vehicle $+ %fcarini found, name: $readini(,vehicle2,%fcarini) $+ , Driver: $$1,$gettok($mta.vehicle($1,%fcarini).list,1,32)) $+ , Location: $replace($replace($mta.area($1,$gettok($mta.vehicle($1,%fcarini).list,1,32)),$chr(32),$chr(44) $+ $chr(32)),-,$chr(32)) %carfound = true } elseif (%carleft. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ %fcarini ] ] != $null) { !.timer 1 $calc(%validveh) mta.msg $1 $2 Last known location of vehicle $+ %fcarini ( $+ $readini(,vehicle2,%fcarini) $+ ) $+ : %carleft. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ %fcarini ] ] %carfound = true } /inc %validveh 1 } if (%fcarini < 80) { /inc %fcarini 1 goto fcarini } elseif (%validveh == $null) !timer 1 0 mta.msg $1 $2 invalid vehicle name! elseif (%carfound != true) !timer 1 0 mta.msg $1 $2 could not find vehicle! :cfend /unset %fcarini /unset %findid /unset %findsub /unset %carfound /unset %validveh } } Link to comment
Boffin Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 I can't get it to work right everyone can still do it. I'll carry on looking at it. Link to comment
Oli Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 if ($3 == !find) && ($$1,$2) == 1 || 5 || 6) nasty... for that part id use: if $3 == !find && $findtok(1 5 6,$$1,$2),1,32) personally Link to comment
Boffin Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 Thank you Mike and Oli the script works perfectly now. I'm still trying to make the favourites script for crusadors and secret service only still. Link to comment
andeh Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 if $3 == !quote { elseif !$exists($mta.dir $+ quotes.ini) { !writeini "$mta.dir $+ quotes.ini" quote1 quote I Like Pepperoni Pizza !writeini "$mta.dir $+ quotes.ini" quote2 quote Why does Rain Suddenly Appear !writeini "$mta.dir $+ quotes.ini" quote3 quote TLR Rule !writeini "$mta.dir $+ quotes.ini" quote4 quote TLR Are The Best !writeini "$mta.dir $+ quotes.ini" quote5 quote Take My Breath Away } mta.say $1 Quote> $readini(quotes.ini,quote,$rand(1,$ini($mta.dir $+ quotes.ini,0))) } elseif $3 == !addquote { if $4 != $null { !writeini "$mta.dir $+ quotes.ini" quote $+ $calc($ini($mta.dir $+ quotes.ini,0) + 1) quote $4- mta.msg $1 $2 Quote $+(,'$4',) added } else mta.msg $1 $2 Syntax Error - !addquote } Oli made this, but i think he did it in a rush, It dosen't seem to work . Link to comment
Mike Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 if $3 == !find && $findtok(1 5 6,$$1,$2),1,32) Clever, i still have a lot to learn Link to comment
*SmartiE* Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 Oli i did it like that for the people who dont seem to have a scripting knowledge because they would be saying how do i add quotes and that so it saves time i never actully used random before Link to comment
Darkwolf Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 Can some 1 tell me what is wrong with this??? When I put the mta.say commands in they stopped the whole script from working!! Could some one correct this plz! alias mta.command { if ($3 == !kick) && ($$1,$2) == BJack ) { if ($4 != $null) { mta.kick $1 $4 } } if ($3 == !ban) && ($$1,$2) == BJack ) { if ($4 != $null) { mta.ban $1 $4 } } if ($3 == !unban) && ($$1,$2) == BJack ) { mta.unban $1 $4 } if ($3 == !script) { mta.say $1 This is BJacks Experimental Gaming Script Version 0.7 } if ($3 == !en) mta.say $1 English Only } if ($3 == !fuck) mta.say $1 $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$2) to FUCK off!! } if ($3 == !sun) { mta.setweather $1 0 } if ($3 == !cloud) { mta.setweather $1 1 } if ($3 == !rain) { mta.setweather $1 2 } if ($3 == !fog) { mta.setweather $1 3 } if ($3 == !dawn) { mta.settime $1 07:00 } if ($3 == !day) { mta.settime $1 10:00 } if ($3 == !noon) { mta.settime $1 12:00 } if ($3 == !night) { mta.settime $1 19:00 } if ($3 == !midnight) { mta.settime $1 00:00 } } Link to comment
Darkwolf Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 that in the script is for f u c k off!! Link to comment
Darkwolf Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 the is !f u c k without the gaps! Link to comment
andeh Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 the is !f u c k without the gaps! alias mta.command { if ($3 == !kick) && ($$1,$2) == BJack ) { if ($4 != $null) { mta.kick $1 $4 } } elseif ($3 == !ban) && ($$1,$2) == BJack ) { if ($4 != $null) { mta.ban $1 $4 } } elseif ($3 == !unban) && ($$1,$2) == BJack ) { mta.unban $1 $4 } elseif ($3 == !script) { mta.say $1 This is BJacks Experimental Gaming Script Version 0.7 } elseif ($3 == !en) { mta.say $1 English Only } elseif ($3 == !) { if ($4 == $null) { mta.say $1 say error absent ID say ! } else { mta.say $1 $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$4) to (word) off!! } } elseif ($3 == !sun) { mta.setweather $1 0 } elseif ($3 == !cloud) { mta.setweather $1 1 } elseif ($3 == !rain) { mta.setweather $1 2 } elseif ($3 == !fog) { mta.setweather $1 3 } elseif ($3 == !dawn) { mta.settime $1 07:00 } elseif ($3 == !day) { mta.settime $1 10:00 } elseif ($3 == !noon) { mta.settime $1 12:00 } elseif ($3 == !night) { mta.settime $1 19:00 } elseif ($3 == !midnight) { mta.settime $1 00:00 } } That should work , change to what ever you want. Link to comment
Darkwolf Posted October 27, 2004 Share Posted October 27, 2004 Thanx Andy !!!! In case u dont kno me im the guy u banned from the VCES server for giving out anticrash serial ROFL!! thanx m8! Link to comment
andeh Posted October 29, 2004 Share Posted October 29, 2004 } elseif ($3 == !) { if ($4 == $null) { mta.say $1 say error absent ID say ! } else { mta.say $1 $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$4) to (word) off!! } don't think that would work, i'll fix it later Link to comment
Oli Posted October 29, 2004 Share Posted October 29, 2004 wtf.. is that suposed to be a wildcard insult script?... if so its much harder than that Link to comment
andeh Posted October 29, 2004 Share Posted October 29, 2004 wtf.. is that suposed to be a wildcard insult script?... if so its much harder than that im not shure. } if ($3 == !) mta.say $1 $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$2) to off!! thats what it was like. Link to comment
Darkwolf Posted October 30, 2004 Share Posted October 30, 2004 $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$4) to off that is correct it works if it was $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$2) to off it would display the users name twice like off> but $$1,$4) the $4 allows the player to type ! so it displays the other users name! Link to comment
andeh Posted October 30, 2004 Share Posted October 30, 2004 $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$4) to off that is correct it works if it was $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$2) to off it would display the users name twice like off> but $$1,$4) the $4 allows the player to type ! so it displays the other users name! hhmmm... } elseif ($3 == !) { if ($4 == $null) { mta.say $1 $$1,$2) is Off! } else { mta.say $1 $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$4) to off!! } } Try that , replace wid what ever. Link to comment
Darkwolf Posted October 31, 2004 Share Posted October 31, 2004 There's no error at that point at all in the script it works fine! Link to comment
andeh Posted November 5, 2004 Share Posted November 5, 2004 alias mta.command { if ($3 == !server) { mta.say $1 Current BJack Server Info:: Script Version: 0.9 mta.say $1 Players on Server: $mta.players($1) Server Address: $mta.server($1) Game: $$1) mta.say $1 Weather: $$1) Time in Vice City: $mta.time($1) Game Mode: $mta.mode($1) Max Amount of Players: $mta.maxplayers($1) } elseif ($3 == !script) { mta.say $1 This is BJacks Experimental Gaming Script Version 0.9 } elseif ($3 == !en) { mta.say $1 English Only } elseif ($3 == !time) { mta.say $1 $ctime } elseif ($3 == !motd) { mta.say $1 mta.motd($1) } elseif ($3 == !ping) { if ($4 == !null) mta.say $1 $$1,$4) has a ping of $$1,$4) } elseif ($3 == !skin) { if ($4 == !null) mta.say $1 $$1,$4) is a $$1,$4).name } elseif ($3 == !car) { if ($4 == !null) mta.say $1 $$1,$4) is driving a $mta.vehicle($1,$4).name } elseif ($3 == !stats) { if ($4 == !null) { mta.say $1 Name: $$1,$4) Time Online: $$1,$4).time Kills: $mta.kills($1,$4) Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$4) } } } elseif ($3 == !timeset) { if ($4 != $null) { mta.settime $1 $4 } } elseif ($3 == !fuck) { if ($4 == $null) { mta.say $1 You have typed this command incorrectly it is !fuck of player! } else { mta.say $1 $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$4) to FUCK off!! } } elseif ($3 == !sun) { mta.setweather $1 0 } elseif ($3 == !cloud) { mta.setweather $1 1 } elseif ($3 == !rain) { mta.setweather $1 2 } elseif ($3 == !fog) { mta.setweather $1 3 } elseif ($3 == !dawn) { mta.settime $1 07:00 } elseif ($3 == !day) { mta.settime $1 10:00 } elseif ($3 == !noon) { mta.settime $1 12:00 } elseif ($3 == !night) { mta.settime $1 19:00 } elseif ($3 == !midnight) { mta.settime $1 00:00 } elseif !kick == $3 && bjack isin $$1,$2) { elseif ($3 == !kick) && ($4 != $null) { mta.kick $1 $4 } } elseif !ban == $3 && bjack isin $$1,$2) { ($4 != $null) { mta.ban $1 $4 } } elseif ($3 == !resetscores) { mta.resetscores $1 mta say $1 $$1,$2) has reset the scores } elseif ($3 == !unban) { if ($4 != $null) { mta.unban $1 $4 } else { mta.say $1 Error, !unban } } elseif ($3 == !shutdown) { mta.say $1 Shutting down Server: $4 mta.shutdown $1 $4 } elseif ($3 == !kill) { mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.slap $1 $4 mta.say $1 $$1,$2) has killed you in humiliation!! } elseif ($3 == !password) { mta.setpassword $1 $4 mta.say $1 The Password is set to $4 because the server is overloading! } alias mta.enter { mta.msg $1 $2 You have entered a $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name, Enjoy your ride! } alias mta.kill { mta.msg $1 $2 You have been killed!!! better luck next time!! } alias mta.spawn { mta.say $1 $$1,$2) has spawned as a $$1,$2).name } alias mta.part { mta.say $1 $$1,$2) has left the game } alias mta.text { if (lagger || lag || lags isin $3) { mta.slap $1 $2 mta.say $1 $$1,$2) Dont use Lagger, Lag or Lags in Chat Box! } elseif (brb isin $3) { mta.say $1 $$1,$2) will BE Right Back!!! } elseif (stfu isin $3) { mta.say $1 SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!! } alias mta.join { mta.say $1 Welcome to BJacks Experimental Gaming Version 0.9, $$1,$2) $+ . Version 0.9 in progress! } } Here yours latest fucked up script fixed, i have fixed most of it they may be few { } miss matchs if thats the case just gimme a shout. Link to comment
Oli Posted November 5, 2004 Share Posted November 5, 2004 jesus christ andy ic an see mroe than 1 error in there already and i only glanced at it Link to comment
andeh Posted November 5, 2004 Share Posted November 5, 2004 jesus christ andy ic an see mroe than 1 error in there already and i only glanced at it me 2, spouse i should fix it... , its totaly fucked. } alias mta.part { mta.say $1 $$1,$2) has left the game } lol i love this script Link to comment
Bungle Posted November 6, 2004 Share Posted November 6, 2004 elseif ($3 == !) { if ($4 == $null) { mta.say $1 You have typed this command incorrectly it is ! of player! } else { mta.say $1 $$1,$2) would like to tell $$1,$4) to off!! } } that wouldn't work well if $4 would be equal to 0, as mirc sees $null as being 0 too, so by triggering $4 as 0, it the same as not having $4 at all, if you are checking it against $null. why not try if ($4 >= 0) .. which would basically check that $4 is a numerical value which is at least 0, so it would work with a player id of 0. elseif ($3 == !time) { mta.say $1 $ctime } wtf? why are you using $ctime for this kind of event? just use $time you would use $ctime if you wanted to see how much time had passed from one point to another, alongside $duration, for example - Bungle Link to comment
MeanpantheR Posted November 6, 2004 Share Posted November 6, 2004 mIRC dosnt see $null to be 0 Link to comment
Shib Posted November 6, 2004 Share Posted November 6, 2004 Just means nothing lol not even 0 Link to comment
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