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MTAMA Scripting


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I wrote this useful function to determine the number of players on the current MTA server. Among other things, you could eliminate the while loop which freezes manhunt when noone is on the server with it.

alias mta.players !return $ini($+($scriptdir,$1,.ini),0)

Basically, it just finds out how many entries are in $1.ini

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Nice idea re the 1 on 1 slothman.

Dealer: no. You should know the views re colour codes by now surely? They are not to be used in mta. They contribute to crashing and can overwrite files.

If people send scripts to [email protected] i will host them all somewhere, be it via a forum post with links or a webpage with links.

Please include a readme.txt and a brief decription in the email. I dont have time to test all of them so please ensure they work before sending them (YOU will be flamed if they do not, not me :) )

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a script request:


a script where 2 people call a 1on1 match between eachother. and if anyone interferes by killing them, then they are kicked/temp banned, and if the duelers attack anyone else, they get kicked/temp banned (both of them at once)

add to that a scoring system

i realize this isn't practical for large servers, too much could go wrong, but it would still be nice for a small server

lol not twixx took me a minute to find it, in case anyone missed it. yeah good idea

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Okay, I'm working on a script where player can challenge another player to a duel with !duel . The other player has to !accept in 10 seconds or the challenge is rejected and removed. During duel the duelers cant kill anyone but the one he is dueling with, or the duel is concidered to be over and the scores are announced. The duel ends when one of the duelers reach maxscore. The duel can also be canceled with !end. Duelers get 1 point for each kill and they lose 1 point for each suicide. They dont lose points if the other dueler or someone from outside the duel kills them. If an outsider kills a dueler, the outsider is kicked. Players who join the server during a duel get informed about ongoing duels so that they dont accidentally kill any duelers. Thats it. I'm kinda busy but I hope I get this ready and tested before the end of the week.

blah long quote

anyways, what if the 2 players go driving around town just to see if anyone will attempt to kill them, so the attacker gets kicked

every game script has a problem somewhere :(

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what if the 2 players go driving around town just to see if anyone will attempt to kill them, so the attacker gets kicked
The script announces all the players who are currently dueling every few minutes, and players also see whenever a duel starts, so they should know whenever there's a duel going on. Anyway this made me think that the mode would be better if you may ONLY kill another player when you are dueling. So duel-servers would be duel-only. This way you dont have to worry about these sorts of things. I'm actually adding this to the code now. No questions asked. :D
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v1.20 changes:

Manhunt: Nicklist-loop fix

Manhunt: Cancel if there are to few players

Manhunt: Typo fixed

Unban moved to main dialog

Scripts dialog

Fixed nicklist count bug

Ping added

$mta.players(Server) added

$mta.maxplayers(Server) added

Faster script progress

New pic:


Any more suggestions?

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You have players:

ID Nick

0 Black_dragon

1 Wartech

2 MrBump


And you have admins:

ID Nick

0 Aeron

1 Blokker

MrBump (a player) sends a /msg to Wartech:

MrBump typs: "/msg Wartech hello!"

MrBump sees: "PM sent: hello!"

Wartech sees: "PM from MrBump: hello!"

This was fine good no problems.

Now Aeron (a admin) sends a /msg to MAD_BOY:

Aeron typs: "/msg MAD_BOY bye!"

Aeron sees: "PM sent: bye!"


MAD_BOY sees: "PM from Black_dragon: bye!"

Aeron and Black_dragon has the SAME ID but MTA can't SEE it's from a ADMIN so it gives the NICK of the PLAYER.


how bout that in teamplay u can pm the team


/msg blue retreat!!!

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alrite, alrite aeron. i thaught this was a post to have ideas for mtama... and thats wat i did. i now know my idea isnt possible cause of the admins and all that stuff .

mabye i wont bother saying anyting next time.

and des it matter if it sais pm from blackdragon. you could have scipt 2 admins, 1 for blue, 1 for red, say id 0 and 1. and wen the pm is says 'from blackdragon' we can just rememember that blackdragon is blue and that wartech is red. in a gang game it wud be handy, even if it isnt perfect. and in a gang game blackdragon wont really pm u cause ppl arent that gay. in a public game, everthing u said is prob rite.

u can ignore everything i just said if u want since ull get in such a stress...geez :roll:

and u can call me anyting u want. ill never be good scripter. infact, ill never be a scripter at all. thats y i asked u

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The official servers have several ban and kick on names running and have done for a long time, since early mtama testing in fact. Primarily those few who like to get banned over and over by changing ip, reconnecting and acting as if its a clever thing to do.

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