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I think the first part in MTA isn't very impressive. After that a few nice stunts, but most the usual 360s.

Use more original stunts. I like the music, only it was not really synchronised. You could change this kind of things in the non-beta vid. Overal score: 6/10

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what the f**k is wrong with ppl who cares if its in mta and who cares if the editting is not good

i want to see pl stunt with a little f**king little screen like mine and a crappy comp that i cant evenm use ulead 7.0 on casue the screens to little and crappy graphics like mine so when youre playing mta u cant see ppl on the map u son of picky bit**es its like all u ppl exept for me freind including some mta team members and i want to see u ppl that think my movie sucks with 128 prblems with youre comp i took a comp test with a comp doctor peace out

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what the f**k is wrong with ppl who cares if its in mta and who cares if the editting is not good

i want to see pl stunt with a little f**king little screen like mine and a crappy comp that i cant evenm use ulead 7.0 on casue the screens to little and crappy graphics like mine so when youre playing mta u cant see ppl on the map u son of picky bit**es its like all u ppl exept for me freind including some mta team members and i want to see u ppl that think my movie sucks with 128 prblems with youre comp i took a comp test with a comp doctor peace out

First off, you asked for feedback; people gave input. Don't fukking cry because people criticized your video. Use their feedback to make a betetr video next time instead of going psycho because your video sucked. One more thing, learn to fukking english. I doubt anyone can even understand your post. No punctuation whatsoever, terrible spelling and it just didn't make sense. I guess if you're a 9 year old it's okay though.

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I really liked some of the LC stunts but the VC stunts were all "Been There, Done That" stuff. I do have a suggestion and this maybe its more of a personal preferance...but change your camera angles when recording from REPLAYs. For alot of the stunts you might as well been recording in game cause the angle didnt move much. Its good for a 1st vid and you will make better ones in time. As far as Sync'ing music to video, I would worry about it much. It takes a while to get the feel for that type of editing but when your ready to try it check out WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER 2. It's not as good as the big editors but it got some great stuff in it. I edited half of "THE NEW SHIT" with it on a laptop w/Athon 600 and had very little perfomance problems. :D

As for Camonte's comments...WHO CARES :roll: let it go. Everyone's gotta start somewhere and in time, who knows, you may make a video that will blow our socks off. :D

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thx chaoswolf can u give me link to moviemaker2 and i hope camonte dies but hes scared like a little bitch right know thats y he wont reply and thx for adice but if i record ingame it looks worse cause of my crapy comp im goin to start saving money for a radeon 9700 or littler and a graphics card can anyone suggest any graphics cards that are cheap and good price thx peace out :lol::lol:

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