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Vice City All Stars

Guest {VCAS]-HeAD

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[PiG] Ponch, the site has been up for less than 12 hours, so of course it's going to have some errors. I've fixed most.

As for the slowness, yes, I'm aware of that. The host is free (I suppose that there's a constant high server load at that) and the PHP generated pages link to an external MySQL database. This is something you wouldn't understand, so think before you talk shit about it. Thank you.

By the way, the roster can be viewed here. For the disbelieving idiots out there that think this gang is falling apart, it's not as of yet.

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Why should we be? DeathB and Posty were only banned from the official IRC and MTA servers. That shouldn't limit the whole gang from not participating when only two members had gotten in a bit of a trouble.

Oh, and DeathB isn't our 100% leader, everybody in VCAS has equal rights (for the exception of VCML members). He may be a step above us all since he's the founder, so in a sense, it's his gang to control, but he doesn't make most of our decisions for us.

We're ready for official events anytime.

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deathb isnt banned :) now i just need to help head get a good topic up, that one is to simple :)

and yes everyone in vcas has equal rights. as the clan founder, i approve anything to big, like a name change etc, but generally the clan is MORE then capable of making decisions without me :D so we dont technically have a leader

but anyways, nice to be back :)

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