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  • MTA Team

I have uploaded all our old sites again and u can visit them at http://mtavc.com/webarchive

0.1 has been made by IJs and is text only

1.0 was created by SiqDiz, the dutch version was made by Blokker_1999 (but that is still missing)

2.0 was created by McNeal and taken offline after a conflict

3.0 - 3.1 was the first version of our current design created by Blokker_1999

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hehe well, v1 looks as corney as it does because of the huge amount of hits the site got. Even in all its simpleness it brought down the host of fellow mod-team :roll:

greetings to the MTA team,

SiQDiZ outl;

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GTA 3:MTA 0.3.5:

I'm posting this because I want to announce the new gamemode that will be included in one of the next versions of MTA. The gamemode is named Speed, after the movie, and guess what you have to do.. Yeah, one team has to drive the bus until the clock stops and of course, the other team has to prevent the bus and has to stop or make the bus drive slower. If the bus is driving below, for example 60, then the bomb will explode. Well, we will give you more information as we're developing the new gamemode. Thanks to trx of course. Here's a screenshot.

What happened to that? It sounds quite good :D

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it sounded like a fun (if not overcomplicated) game mode

Yeah, very suitable for GTA though. One thing I'm not sure about is how would the "team" drive the bus? One person could drive and the others could get on as passengers, but everyone else is doing nothing.

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