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Liberty City in GTA:VC


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From what i understand GTA:LCs hope is to convert vice city as close to gta3 as possible, including cars, peds, missions. I.e, it is fundamentally a single player modification. We have also been lead to believe that the GTA:LC teams leader isnt keen on it being used with multiplayer, be it MTA or a lesser mod.

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i saw on the GTAforums in the GTA:LC section, that somone on the LC team said if somone wishes to make it mp it is thier wish to do so, but they will have no part of it :roll: ill find a link to that very post :P

EDIT: found it


and quote:

  CraigKostelecky said:
We do not plan to do anything to make this game playable online. Our goal is a port of GTAIII. If others want to make these files online, they're welcome to. But we will not be doing that here.

but not that im pushing this on the MTA team, just saying it would be damned neat to use LC without the dreaded cracked mta :? also u guys could design the .scm, over all making it better, do what yall wanna do

*waits for answer

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  • 1 month later...

Firstly, GTA:WO never got Rockstar's permission, at least not that I'm aware of. There weren't any missions, I'm not sure what you're all talking about, I created a few Matrix based missions, one for the final fight scene where a ton of BGA models are lined up and the weather is stormy, one for a subway fight with the BGA model, and one for the helicopter mission in the original game where it flies you to the large building in Vice that has breakable glass and you have to kill all the BGA and BGB actors that are shooting at you from inside the building; the BGA and BGB models are the ones you have to fight on the yacht mission in which the Apache (Hunter) comes. Those were the only missions I ever played with the GTA:WO map models, although Redspike claims to have created other missions it seemed that he was just stealing code from other sources, including GTA:LC. The fact that MTA supports both GTA3 and Vice City at the current defeats the point of them supporting mods like GTA:LC, since GTA:LC is merely an attempt at directly porting the GTA3 gameplay to the Vice City engine, which is quite interesting and well done.

The main point you should all look at is the fact that MTA should, I'm going out on a limb here stating what has been rumored, support modifications with their new core. The new code base their using sounds extremely interesting and I truly can't wait to see what they do with it, I'm sure the team is going to astonish me once again as they have in the past with what is possible. So, instead of wasting time in this topic asking for support for external modifications, why not wait for the new core release as I'm sure we'll all be in for a big surprise.

And for any GTA:WO team member, whether they be still working on it or not, don't even attempt at flaming me as I don't have time to sort out petty differences.



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  Kryptos said:
The main point you should all look at is the fact that MTA should, I'm going out on a limb here stating what has been rumored, support modifications with their new core. The new code base their using sounds extremely interesting and I truly can't wait to see what they do with it, I'm sure the team is going to astonish me once again as they have in the past with what is possible. So, instead of wasting time in this topic asking for support for external modifications, why not wait for the new core release as I'm sure we'll all be in for a big surprise.

What do you mean "sounds extremely interesting"? As far as I know, the team have said nothing about the new core. They have said that certain things would require a new core, but they haven't yet stated that they would be features of core 0.4.

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They've released small amounts of information at numerous places, namely GTAForums. Coupled with what they've accomplished in the past, the future holds no limit. And if they're approaching some of the techniques I believe they are, then you'll truly be amazed by what's achieved.



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Damn this is already released you guys

try visiting this link

http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?s=33 ... t=SF&f=104 this is for the released gta liberty city version and this is for the warp between them just read the readme with the city loader on the next link


have fun with it till it last newbies dont know how to use this i think so read the damn manual if you are smart :P

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  Boss said:
This may sound a bit stupid,but why not make warps beetween LC and VC?Like purple warps in the airport?

When you added them,it would load LC or VC and only sustain 1 city,and then when u warp it would change to processing the other city.

sience this has been bumped.......

smithers made that, and just like that too :|

wow, nice suggestion i guess :P

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  • 5 months later...

Sorry to reply to a fairly old thread but the best conversion of GTA3 to the GTAVC engine is this one: GTA: Liberty City

There are a lot of people working on that. The models and textures do not require any work to be transferred between the two engines but they do have to be repositioned. Furthermore, AI paths have to be recreated from scratch and the SCM cannot be transferred directly, from what I gather.

Last time I checked they had all the GTA3 buildings in GTAVC and had rebuilt all the AI paths. So it should be quite playable, even if there are no missions.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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