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Chat Hacking.

Guest Slinky

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ok, so I was playing on ESSENTRIX.NET Dallas .2.1, when all of a sudden I start saying things I don't even say!?

All of the lines with symbols on them are stuff I didn't say, and was how they originally appeared.



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In-Game just looks normal like for example,

Slinky: Eat a dick

it would look perfectly normal, except in the client program, that's when I knew something was up.

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I place my bet on Tardburglar (100% sure). He used special characters to make a newline and color it so it looked like normal ingame. If you look at the textfile you see what I mean, those strange lines were all followed by some text from Tardburglar.

-Deleted by AJH

-Deleted by AJH

...and so on. People abusing special chars should be banned. Abusing, not using them to color nicks.


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