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No, because then we would have to answer the question 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times and they would still ask, search and youl find the answer its not hard most of the time.

Put yourself in a newbies shoes. Some smelly, sweaty nooby boots. Now imagine you come to the forum...

You need to know, erm, i dunno, where can i download file x. So you do a search for it, and loads of crap comes up. You dont understand! You need a straight awnser.

So you go ask, where can i find file X. Now all these old codgers come along and say 'Do a forum search sonny jim!'. You just want an awnser!

Get me? :P

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Put yourself in a newbies shoes. Some smelly, sweaty nooby boots. Now imagine you come to the forum...

You need to know, erm, i dunno, where can i download file x. So you do a search for it, and loads of crap comes up. You dont understand! You need a straight awnser.

So you go ask, where can i find file X. Now all these old codgers come along and say 'Do a forum search sonny jim!'. You just want an awnser!

Get me?

when i first jumped into the mta boards i did some quick searches to learn how to get inside the game with everything i needed and i had no problems finding my answers. sure it took me allmost 40minutes to get all setup but sure as hell saved me from getting flamed :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

Just don't allow noobs to create new threads the first week after they register. Also make a separate catagory on the board for them to post their asses off (allow them to create new threads here).

p.s. Noobs will probably start spamming other threads asking why they can't create threads, but it's worth a shot...

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