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Admin commands to allow the creation of any scenario.

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With administrative commands , any scenario can be created. Here are some examples.

"/bustmode ON/OFF " Gives or removes the cop flag to a player.

"/givecar " Place a car with the selected properties. If teamtag is on that car will appear on the radar for the specified teams.

"/carspawn " Place a car with the selected properties. Car will spawn regularly.

"/ezcar " Puts a car on a road near the specified player using tank cheat coordinates.

"/giveweapon " Gives a weapon to a person with the specified ammo amount.

"/buff " Increases specified persons armor and health by specified amount.

"/placepowerup " Places specified powerup to a selected location.

"/explosion " Creates an explosion at the specified location.

"/explode " Explodes the player >=)

"/reset " Resets the player to default status and removes their weapons

"/kick " Kicks players ip.

"/ban " Bans players ip

"/laydown " Makes player laydown.

"/bust " Makes player lay down and then teleports you to that player, aiming your gun at them. Make sure you have the cop flag on. If "withplayer" is used , the player specified by "withplayer" will be doing the busting. Again , make sure they have cop flag on.

"/setteam " Puts player on a team.

"/tag " Tags the player for viewing by the specified teams...

"/carmaxspeed " specifies the max speed percentage of that players cars...

"/summon " Summons player or team into the general vicinity.

"/move "

"/admin " Admins a player to a certain admin level. Only level 3 admins can admin players and ban them, level 2 and above can use the rest of the commands, and level 1 can only kick. 0 is a normal player.

"/cheat " Gives a cheat to a player. For example , /cheat flyingcars 8ball would give 8ball flying cars.

"/cheat " performs a cheat for self.

"/allowcheats(ON/OFF)" Whether or not to allow cheats.

"/nocars " All cars appear locked for specified player.

"/motd " Set MOTD.

"/model " Set model for player. Overrides team specific models

"/model " set model for team.

"/medicflag " Gives player medic flag

"/prostetuteflag " Gives player prostetute flag

"/playsfx " Plays specified soundfx at location...

"/getloc " gets location of player.

"/getroadloc " gets location of a road nearby player

Anyone else got some?

Be creative =)

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its a great idea to have a fully operational admin console where you press ` or ~ and you can type multiple commands, but the mta team cant alter the gta3.exe so i doubt they can bring up and 'drop down menu' type thing,

Id say all of that would have to be controlled by the console, and there is no reason (except for time and programming exp) that those options cant be implemented.

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Most of this stuff could be pretty easy implemented, like commands to kill/move a player, blow up his car, etc, with some kind of command system put in. The only thing is spawning cars and actors and such. So far I've created my own MP Mod but I can't figure out how to spawn anything. I don't think MTA knows how to, either (without using a modified main.scm), but Barna seems to have it figured out. If there's a way to use the commands discovered in the main.scm at run time my editing memory addresses, theres a whole lot that would be possible.

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So far I've created my own MP Mod but

youve made your own? lets see it!

also needs:

"/setspawn " sets a player spawn if remove is true, it removes an existing spawn at that point

"/freeze " stop the movement of player.. so a game can be set up

"/hyperspot " like a hyper link, when a player enters the box-like boundries set by the two points, the ACTION is executed. the action can be any valid admin power. visible determines if it will be on screen\radar or invisible. also when the player enters, it should RETURN the player ID to the ACTION

"/chatmode " valid types = "Team" only teams can chat amongst then selves. "All" anyone in game can msg any other person. "Private" this requires each player to type "playername:" & msg

"/list" lists all ingame objects related to MP (spawns, cars, etc.)

"/save" saves all changes made.. if they turn out to be fun, then you'll have saved a new game mode.

"/load" you get the idea :D

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