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New - SM Vid!!

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titled: Might As Well Jump

author: SM Swede

Ok! here is a cool little vid for you

no codecs needed! its an mpg file sized at 31 mb

hey...its 3 min long! so don't complain.

also, no mods were used in this video, that's an SM code!

many Thanks to SM-Vipa for hosting the vid on a dedicated server:

right click, save target as:

http://atw.zerorecon.net/files/sm-might ... l_jump.mpg

many Thanks to SM-Chaoswolf, he will also be hosting it:


remember its my first vid ;>

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i pretty much agree with meeva, although i'd rate the stunts a lil lower.

most were not bad, but pretty basic. there were a few nice ones, but i have the feeling most of those were coincedence (the car stunt).

So I'd give it a 7 for stunts, 5 for originality and 4,5 for editing.. there wasnt much editing, but that song was so corny it made me smile ^^

but indeed, for your first it aint half bad. especially if you see what most first time stunt vids look like ("OMG, I JUMPED A BUILDING, CHECK IT OUT, BEST VID EVER!") :wink:

ps.. no compression? that i dont believe ;-p

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Originality: 8/10

Editing: 8/10

realy got sick of watching these videos that stop right in the middle only to see some stupid words on the screen. to many vids are over done in editing. even tho i have seen many nice videos edited but its allways nice to keep it simple after all its a stunt movie you want to see the stunts not the editing :)

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some of the bike stunts were well done - i liked a few of the grinds - as im not too good at that.

i do look for originality in terms of the areas the stunts are done

a few nice grinds in there (music wasnt too bad either when you think about it=)

nice work for a first try editing

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