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VCK/VCA/SM/VCP ... Bring it


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any news on a server ?

...it depends, i can host 14 people easy...

it depends on whether or not they have the big bugs worked out of the server by then... because as it stands now i get unhandled exceptions if more than 8 people join... and i know that i have the bandwidth for them because the bandwidth tracker isn't even at 50% and i have plenty of cpu power...

so as i say it depends, but if we could get one of the official servers that would be AWESOME, but as it stands now it depends on whether they release the updates to the server by then... so who knows but if they do then i will be more than happy to volunteer my server because the hours that we are talking about are what u might call my "peak" hours :wink:

-edit- btw someone mentioned that there was a topic on the forums about how ur supposed to keep the server computer and game computer separate... can anyone provide a link?

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VCA are in now that the silly 'if you crash tough' rule has been removed, BUT i have not yet had an affirmative from enough players, im hopefull that we can rustle up 7. This will be a good chance for our trainees to experinece the more organised battlefield.

Note: I dont think this has been mentioned, but members of each gang should have the freedom to choose any career they wish and then meet up at a central 'base' in preperation for match start. Identification will be by clan tag only.

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btw b4 anyone asks here is some specs and whatnot about the server to clear up the confusion....

yes i am on a cable connection(comcast) that has shared bandwidth to a certain degree. but whenever i test using a bandwidth monitor, i get a readout of 2-3mb down 200-300 up... the reason that those numbers vary, is because i posted the ABSOLUTE LOWEST numbers i have ever gotten with the exception of when a virus hit(forgot the name of it) and it clogged the bandwidth. other than that it has been rock solid. the bandwidth doesnt get clogged because comcast JUST came to our area.. and the majority of people who i talk to, never bothered to switch isp's, or dont like paying 50 bucks a month for internet. and trust me when i say that very few people are on it, because they had to install a seperate line, node, server, or whatever you want to call it. if you have any other questions about this then contact me on irc.

if u are indeed supposed to host on a different cpu besides ur game computer, then thats fine... because a lot of the matches are gonna be without sm... or in other words i can keep the server dedicated, and as i have said the crashes only happen on the server after about 2 hours of play someone will try to join the game and for whatever reason... but the server has NEVER crashed b4 at least 1 hour of gameplay went by...

now about my system specs, just in case any of u are curious they are as follows...-

p4 2.4c (800mhz fsb and hyper threading)

1gb ddr 400 ram

radeon 9200 agp graphics

sound blaster audigy platinum

windows xp os

comcast cable connection- 2.5mb down at least 250 up 99% of the time

anything else you need to know contact me on irc

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It looks like I won't be making the tournament folks. I have to work Saturday from 1-9PM EST. :x

About the server though, and I'm not sure if this is possible for some of you, but what you should do is run the server on a seperate comp and have it dedicated. That way If the computer you are playing on crashes, the server won't crash too. Or I could run the Tournament server while at work, without me playing. That may not be feasable, though because my cable connection has a hard time hosting more than 8 people. :?

another possibility could be to find an already existing Server with good ping and just take it over. :twisted:

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If that is true then he is gonna get smoked. 2 on 1 always wins. Not to mention killling people in MTA 0.2 is like flipping a coin. 90% of the time it's based on lag, bad synching and luck. If you're not hitting the target you have to actually move to reset the bullet synch. I really think even 0.2 is too glitchy, laggy, whatever for anyone to be talkin Smack. No one is the best w/ such a bad kill system, But some people can get very lucky, and get 3-4 kills before they go down. :roll:

And, don't give me that compensate for lag crap If I'm shooting a guy straight on there is no lag compensation, because he isn't running he's standing there shooting at me. :lol:

So what I'm saying is that this Tourney should be more for fun rather than declaring who the best is. There is no best player, just one lucky bastard who has a better ping than everyone else. However, there is something to say about a whole team being alive and everyone else being dead. :D

I still love MTA though for just screwin around racing and doin stunts though. I like killing too but I just don't get aggravated when i die, because it's a waste of energy :D

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Just so you know Dealer, a lotta people are waiting to beat your ass for talking so much crap...

(I'm one of them) :D

i second that ;-)

-and gulag's right the first tournament should be 4 fun

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I totally agree it should be fun but then again it can prove whos got skills, but there will never be a "best" anyways.

In response to Gulag-I think your just having a stroke of badluck, i can kill more then 4 people without going down(aint trying to show off at all).

And, don't give me that compensate for lag crap If I'm shooting a guy straight on there is no lag compensation, because he isn't running he's standing there shooting at me.

Yeah sure, i get this but i just move about a bit keep shooting and he eventually drops in the end, but if you stand still like him and fire back, your more likely to get dropped.

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Server stilll needs sorting ...... how about u death u said u may be able too, hows it looking ?

Few ppl have offered and not mentioned anything since...... and cant we get an official server ? its all for a gd cause !!

and please all of u posting in here, stop bitchin about technicalities and about how losing doesnt mean ur shit, and how this wont prove anything....... cant u just hush and play the game, u can make excuses for losing and ur poor performances after. :roll:


Saturday @ 0000 GMT

7 Players

Last Clan Standing

3 Rounds

No respawn in a round

2 minutes crash safety time

Server - TBA

all clear ? ! ?

only 28 Hours till the battle so get ur replies in quick.......

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so far our line up is looking like this to my knowledge

SM DeathB

SM Goat

SM Gforce

SM Boss

SM xenex

SM Jacknife

SM Vipa

SM SatanLvsU2

we have 8, can u guys get 8? because it would be nice to include all of our members

as far as the server goes so far it looks like its gonna work out

-edit- could someone post what time it is around the world? like for example

gmt -

us west coast-

us east coast-


that sorta thing cuz im to stupid to use the converter ;-)

Edited by Guest
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I was thinking some clans are also from the US(east/west), so maybe we could do one every sat for 3 weeks one on a euro server and other 2 on a US east and west server, spread the tourney out a little then see how it goes from there. What do you guys think?

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