me Posted September 22, 2003 Share Posted September 22, 2003 (edited) First off: Great job on the mod Stuff in italics has already been added, or I'm removing because I don't like any more/it's too hard. Here are my wee suggestions: 1: Make the name tags/health bars larger at a distance... or make them grow smaller more slowly. I usually have to be right next to a person to be able to see their name, and if they're an enemy, I get screwed over. Better yet, just make the name tags the same size, no matter how far away the person is. 2: Allow an option to change how dark the background of the chatbox is... It's difficult to see against clouds in mid-day. Or make a minimum darkness level... so it couldn't get any brighter than, say... 70%, even against clouds in mid-day. It should automatically adjust the background to stay below 70% brightness. 3: Bring back the 0.1 game mode (deathmatch). Right now, it's not so much of a team game, and more of a deathmatch with classes. People don't spawn as mexican so they can play on the mexican team, they spawn mexican so they start at the airport with good guns. 4: Add a 'refill' station at certain spots in the city... like ammunation or whatnot. It would automatically re-fill the default weapons with ammo. 5: More pickups. 'nuff said. 6: Make it so you appear out front of the stadium when you leave the blooring/dirtring/hotring, instead of just out front of the doors. I hate banging up my hotring racer going down those steps 7: If you don't feel like adding more pickups, or re-fill stations, add money so we can buy new guns/ammo 8: And my old suggestion: Being able to change what kind of car it is at the car spawns, and racing: and: 9: A little ding, or blip, or something that occurs when you've damaged an enemy... it'd make it easier to compensate for a high ping/lag 10: This is possibly the most difficult thing to implement: Record the positions of cars when no one is in them. 11: Option to turn FF off. 12: Fix up that skin bug. 13: Scores are kept on the server, instead of the client, so when someone connects the server sends them the scores; instead of everyone being at 0. 14: Add a team chat. I'm thinking of...: A player list in the MTA Client, with little checkboxes next to the names. If the name is checked, then messages will be sent to them when you use team chat. If it isn't checked, then it won't be sent. If you use global chat, it'll send to everyone, regardless of if they're on your team or not. Or, assuming the teams idea is adopted (number 17 in this list), just use the teams for team chat. 15: Little "ding" when someone sends a message. 16: A scroll bar for the player list in the MTA Client. 17: Teams. For gang matches 'n stuff. When setting up the server, you'd be able to create up to 8 teams. You name these teams to whatever you want (for example, a VCK vs. SM match would have 2 teams, named VCK and SM). When players spawn, they choose their class, then a little selection menu (similar to the little pure-text menu in HL) pops up, showing the possible teams you can select. Example: 1: Team 1 (VCK) 2: Team 2 (SM) 3: Auto-select Choosing either team wouldn't affect where they spawn (at least in this idea), it would just affect Team Chat (idea number 14 in this list) and Friendly Fire (Idea number 18 in this list). 18: Friendly Fire. This would either work using the team idea shown above, or by classes (mexican, cop, etc). 19: Teamkilling. Similar to the idea above (using the team idea, or classes). When you get killed by a team mate (obviously, FF would have to be on), you get 2 options: Punish Forgive Simple as dat 20: Option to restrict classes. The server would be able to stop players from choosing certain classes. 21: Make the sailor regain health a little faster (seems just a tad slow to me) 22: A /resetserver command for admins and whatnot. Useful for gang matches, it'd reset all the cars and (optionally) kill all the players. 23: I've been seeing all these super-complicated gameplay modes, so here's a simple one: Capture The Flag. (Or capture the whoopie, bring that back ). Or capture the faggio. Blue faggio, red faggio. Two teams. Go. 24: This one is kinda stolen from a how-to-put-colors-in-your-nick thread: Re-implement colors... Useful for gang matches (though nametags that don't change size would probably remove the need for this). 25: Make people in the ambulance regenerate health, and in the SWAT van and cop car regenerate armor (as cop). Would require testing/balancing. 26: Add a dead/alive column in the scoreboard. All gang matches have people asking "did we win?" "who's still alive?" "is anyone still alive?" etc. 27: Change the score thing to say kills and deaths instead of score. 28: Add a location column to the score board (ie: Little Haiti, Prawn Island, etc.). This could probably be client based. 29: Add a Browse... button next to the Start Game one in the MTA client, allowing people to change the path to their gta-vc.exe without having to delete/edit their mta.ini. 30: Big suggestion: Make the anti-cheat stuff quasi-seperate from MTA:VC... I'm thinking of Cheating Death here. So you can release new blocks to cheats as soon as they pop up, instead of having to wait until the next version. 31: Car soccer! Everyone gets stingers, and no weapons. All cars are invincible. All cars weigh 30 tons. One car, the "ball" weighs 2 tons. There are two nets, and you play soccer =) 32: A /msg command. This is more thinking of the IRC scripting that's popped up, and how annoying it is to have the server blurt out "Welcome MrNickPerson to GameMode. Do etc. etc. and then play." to everyone, instead of just the person joining the server. More to come... Edited January 18, 2004 by Guest Link to comment
Mr.Bill Posted September 22, 2003 Share Posted September 22, 2003 get the chat box wto work with laggy servers Link to comment
Alex3305 Posted September 22, 2003 Share Posted September 22, 2003 It is still a BETA version Me you know that but I think that are some nice suggestions you made there Link to comment
me Posted September 29, 2003 Author Share Posted September 29, 2003 Added some crap. That, and this deserves a well placed Bump Link to comment
me Posted October 7, 2003 Author Share Posted October 7, 2003 Added some more crap (3 things). Link to comment
SM xenex Posted October 7, 2003 Share Posted October 7, 2003 Well thats some nice "crap" there.some really nice "crap" hopa the team put some of this "crap" in a version not to far away. Link to comment
StAnToN Posted October 7, 2003 Share Posted October 7, 2003 them suggestion are grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr8 me keep them coming *crosses fingers hoping mta team will listen to me* Link to comment
Coolnat2004 Posted October 7, 2003 Share Posted October 7, 2003 im looking forward to MTA:VC 0.3! I hope that many of those things are implemented ('specially the nickname thing..) Link to comment
Guest Posted October 7, 2003 Share Posted October 7, 2003 Coolnat2004 said: im looking forward to MTA:VC 0.3! I hope that many of those things are implemented ('specially the nickname thing..) i second that, i would really like to know if they are an enemy or friend during these gangwars, because i sniped my own teamate on accident during random server raids because i couldnt read his name tag til to late. but hell im just a lowly gamer you can ignore me Link to comment
me Posted October 10, 2003 Author Share Posted October 10, 2003 More stuff... yes, I know I already said something about friendly fire, but it wasn't that well said. Link to comment
death_entry Posted October 10, 2003 Share Posted October 10, 2003 dont think u mentioned it above but could u make peoples names a different colour based on what team they are on that way it wont matter so much that u couldnt see who it was, dont matter who u kill if they aint on ur team Link to comment
Mr.Bill Posted October 22, 2003 Share Posted October 22, 2003 you know since you a mod you can just put it sticky... ....idiot Link to comment
me Posted October 22, 2003 Author Share Posted October 22, 2003 Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? I'll figure it out one day. Link to comment
ijsf Posted October 22, 2003 Share Posted October 22, 2003 Phew, but some good suggestions to look at yea Link to comment
Guest Posted October 26, 2003 Share Posted October 26, 2003 great suggestions caprure the faggio would bw funny but you sould make it so that every round the bike changes like this Round 1 Bike = Faggio Round 2 Bike = Shanz Round 3 Bike = Freeway Round 4 Bike = Angel Round 5 Bike = PCJ 600 then it goes either back to begining or in reverse so it gets to pcj 600 and nxt round its the angel again and then freeway till you reach the Faggio or you could make it 5 rounds per match then who eva has the most out of five wins... does that make sense if not i could try explain better.... Link to comment
Black Dragon Posted October 26, 2003 Share Posted October 26, 2003 since i dont like starting up new threads, ill just take over this one! anyway: STEALTH CHARECTER! ur unseen on the map while not holding a gun and not in a viecle (can be seen normally though). when pulling out a weapon or getting in car all the players will get a lil' 'ding' in their radars and a flashing arrow above the 'not so stealthy anymore' man. this brings up another game mode!: STEALTH MODE! there are people trying to kill other stealthy people (same as deathmatch but with stealth). stealthy capture the flag! (think of the possibilities!) stealthy last man standing! (now THATS a challenge) etc stealthy stuff. my 2 shequels. Link to comment
me Posted October 27, 2003 Author Share Posted October 27, 2003 No hijkacking! Damnyou! Don't clutter up my precious thread... Link to comment
[PiG] Ponch Posted October 29, 2003 Share Posted October 29, 2003 Wow, there is at least $1.24 worth of 2 cent ideas here. But all are pretty cool ideas. I like the no gun/car no marker on radar idea... Link to comment
me Posted November 3, 2003 Author Share Posted November 3, 2003 I refuse to let my precious fall into the second page of the forum! *eats a doughnut* By doughnut, I mean thread, and by eat, I mean bump. And by a, I mean nothing. To produce: *bump nothing thread* Link to comment
BullzeyeVC Posted November 4, 2003 Share Posted November 4, 2003 Well, since the best ideas are here.... 1)How bout a voting system? Since the admins can not always be available, it would be nice to boot those obvious cheaters, like $Mr.Verceti$ that drive on water while advertising they are going to do it. 2) Teams! yes I like the team color Idea where the name shows color. 3) Max ping/quality I know this might be hard at first with the netcode still needing tweaks but would also help reduce accused cheaters that really are legit. 4) A way to make multi server type games. This is probably the hardest Idea, but if you could have a server program that would allow a server for each section of town, then maybe lag/packet loss could be reduced. There would have to be small neutral zones where people couldnt shoot be hit when transferring from one server to the other. (probably not the best idea but would also help in allowing custom maps?) 5) time limits. It would be nice if there was an option for admins to set time limits on the game. This would work best when te game is made more team oreinted. 6)This one kind of needs idea 2. Like the above, a server has choice on turning team damage on, off, penalty. If set to penatly, when a teamie shoots another teamie he takes the same damage as the victim. 7) This one might be there already. The server should log IP's to names so admins can ban ip's when people report cheaters. This would work best with the max ping/quality again to help decifer whos a cheat and who is laggy. 8)This one is more just to help those little racists from becoming a pain. A chat filter. Tonight I was in a game and this guy was a racist pain in the arse. I didn't take the abuse, nor did I fit the category, but some things just don't need to be said. 9)Me to stop posting suggestions for a while I have alot more ideas, but I think the devs have their hands full as it is Link to comment
Ben Lagg Posted November 10, 2003 Share Posted November 10, 2003 Capture The Faggio sounds great ! Two teams, two faggios, and only those two faggios shown in radar! When destroyed, would they spawn somewhere and no points awarded? Two teams with different Spawn/capture points, like North Point Mall 'n Vice Port! This got me VERY interested! And the stealth char idea... I think ppl shouldn't be seen through walls by name 'n hlth -tag, so they should not be shown thru the walls. And no one should be seen in map, but in SCORE DISPLAY! x-ample: ->\MOX/<-M4f1050 is in downtown. At last there'd be sneaking... *sigh* Link to comment
Mr.Bill Posted November 10, 2003 Share Posted November 10, 2003 rofl Me, nice you know since your a forum mod you could just make sticky, though SOME might consdier that power abuse I consider it using power to my advantage, not nessesarily abuse Link to comment
Ben Lagg Posted November 10, 2003 Share Posted November 10, 2003 Well ain't it nice... Good suggestions 'round here... Link to comment
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