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whats happening on my screen isnt on other peoples?


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a lot of the time stuff happens like i'll blow up someones car, then it will reappear and they drive off.. or i'll drill someone on a motorcycle and then 1 second later they are down the street driving again.. is this netcode or what? hope it gets fixed in .2 :wink:

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its not the netode really... itz more of lag vs. physics of vice

when ur playin mta, for example, u see a person on a motorcycle, they drive by u, u shoot it and blow up the back tire, on their screen, because of lag, 200ms later they see u shooting far behind them, its because of lag, so in effect, on ur screen, the tire is blown, but is riding as if it were never shot before, on the othe rplayers screen, u totally missed ur shots to the bike, and nothing happened to him at all

its jus about lag...

hopefully in 0.2 they'll be less lag... im pretty sure it'll be improved, these mta guyz are workin hard and are good at wut they do

EDIT: hope that answers ur question or helps u in any way... when u wanna shoot someone on a bike or car passing by, try to shoot a little ahead of them so the lag catches on and actually shoots them

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  bLo0dD said:
its not the netode really... itz more of lag vs. physics of vice

wouldn't lag vs. physics of vice be netcode :P As you've probably already been told, it's because the netcode isn't perfected (far from it) and the mods still in beta... remember, this game (although signs were there that it was planned very slightly) wasn't designed for multiplayer, so it's a bitch to figure it out via third-party!

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itz more of lag vs. physics of vice

Negative, correct me if im wrong that is basically the netcode and that is what is causing this, i guess it will be improved overtime but its nto something thats easily done. Look at ea, a major games company and they created bf1942 which has one of the worst netcodes ive seen, so obviously no easy task. :)

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