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wil there be frendly fire??

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hmm - im inclined to lock this thread as im sure that this has been discussed before (maybe not in this forum), bah, ill let it slide =)

I posted a poll on this in the old forums, i believe the programmers said they should be able to enable FF to be toggled (enabled/disabled) at the server setup =)

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damn, ur english is realy annoying, maybe its better for you to learn a bit more english before posting in this forum :roll:

its kinda hard to understand it when you type like that (not that my english is so good, but most people understand what i'm saying :wink:

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artigamer, your talking in a language we call "aol user" and that is BAD you talk in 3 letters or less word, please stop it and talk in FULL LENGHT WORDS so EVERYONE can undersatnd what you say, thank you.

oh and on another note, you could use microssoft word to correct you spelling befor hand just a though

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artigamer, your talking in a language we call "aol user" and that is BAD you talk in 3 letters or less word, please stop it and talk in FULL LENGHT WORDS so EVERYONE can undersatnd what you say, thank you.

oh and on another note, you could use microssoft word to correct you spelling befor hand just a though

u better do it on yours... :P

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who decided that the net will be almost all english anyways?

i'm canadian, so i speak english (and not french), but aren't there a lot of other languages being spoken in other countries? i mean, why don't we run into jibberish half the time we're browsing?

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its hard for me to typ good inglish i am from russia. :( sorry :cry:

You guys should think of how you pronounce the

words when reading artigamer's posts. I could understand all of them very easily.

So either I am superbly skilled in reading, or nobody's trying to understand what he/she's trying to say.

and its he :)


Join Yakuza we wil pay you wel 8)

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yeah that's what im forced to do, well at least your trying, and since oyu are I'm THYINKING it would help to correct you, and help you get better right?

it's english not inglish and type not typ

just trying to help you, not meant as insult considering I could use work on my spelling too :)

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