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That dang knife!


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The knife is tons of fun, but at this point I think it's moderately oversynced/overpowered. You need only run around someone mashing your fire key with it to kill them, a surefire way to win any 1 on 1 duel at mid to close range.

In sa-mp, the knife was (is) horribly broken, and nearly completely unsynced, however to knife someone you must be standing behind their position and not running. I don't know how to make this change, but it should be a little bit harder to knife people in the middle of a gunfight!

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  eAi said:
It would be possible to script it to make it weaker... I think MTA should keep as close to the natural GTA as possible.

That's the thing - test the knife in single player. You have to stop running and either be in a walk or standing still to trigger it. In MTA, you can run in circles and if you're behind your target they will be instakilled. It's much, much more difficult in single player.

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I'm continuing to test (and abuse) the knife in games of Stealth. With Cloak, you're pretty much unstoppable as long as you can get someone alone. In gigantic games of TDM it's even more hilarious as long as there is cover.

Simply changing the code so that players must first enter a walking, standing, or crouching state before knifing would fix this entirely.

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  DarkDragon[GER] said:
omg rage post, just owned that guy about 300 times earlier that day :D

I actually love the knife, and I loved instakilling people in SA-MP because it was extremely difficult (and poorly synced) but if you pulled it off it felt great!

The reason I'm posting this bug report is because I'm developing a roleplay mode, and I'd like to include the knife as a possible weapon, but the way things are now it's just too good!

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https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/index.ph ... ayerWasted

this event can detect if a stealth kill was done, but cant prevent it.

i do agree that it seems overpowered, it seems to allow a great angle variance, and doesnt seem to check what the target player is doing.

the solution seems to be to make sure the attackers angle matches the targets (at least closely) and not just check if the enemy is targeted and the guy with the knife is located behind.

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  Slothman said:

this event can detect if a stealth kill was done, but cant prevent it.

i do agree that it seems overpowered, it seems to allow a great angle variance, and doesnt seem to check what the target player is doing.

the solution seems to be to make sure the attackers angle matches the targets (at least closely) and not just check if the enemy is targeted and the guy with the knife is located behind.

In single player, to perform a stealth kill you must be:

1.) Crouched, walking, or still. Running or sprinting will prevent a stealth kill.

2.) Be holding the targeting key and be facing the target. Your character may be facing any direction, but your camera must face the target, allowing things like facing away and turning and stealth killing someone in range instantly.

3.) Be no less than 90 degrees off of directly behind your target. You can knife from the side, as long as you are slightly behind.

To be vulnerable, the target must be still or walking. The target may be firing, but being in a melee stance will prevent a stealth kill.

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addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart",getRootElement() , 
function anti_backstabb() 
    local player = getLocalPlayer() 
    if getPedControlState(player,"aim_weapon") == true and getPedWeapon(player) == 4 then 
        outputChatBox("backstabb is disabled, sorry =)") 

and backstabb is disabled =)

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addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart",getRootElement() , 
function anti_backstabb() 
    local player = getLocalPlayer() 
    if getPedControlState(player,"aim_weapon") == true and getPedWeapon(player) == 4 then 
        outputChatBox("backstabb is disabled, sorry =)") 

Ouch. You can do much better than that.

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