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In depth suggestion about water levels and why its important

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Ok, First of all I know this has been suggested before but before anyone stops reading let me make a point; no one has given a good reason why changing the water levels is a good idea. Well, here is my Idea for changing water levels to be an amazing and unique game mode for the upcoming MTA DM.

First suggestion:

The water level should be an option under the Death match settings along with time, weather etc. Also wave height would be a good option to like in Edisoncarter’s wave modifier. And yes I realize that the water height and wave height would need to be synced.

Second suggestion:

To be able to have the water rise up as the game time progresses. This would require a script however (can’t be too hard if its possible, It would be a lot easier than having to script every map object a lower to create a flood effect.

Why I would like this:

Because, I am planning to make a map that will be like a modern day Titanic, and the last player to drowned is the winner. In the beginning players will franticly try to find their way up to higher levels (the ship will be submerged in about 10 minuets) (and ship will consist of a bunch of connected ship hallways and all exits form the ship will be closed off.) All of the players will spawn in the lowest level of the ship, the engine room, around them is raising water ad several leaks in the hull (the waterfall obj). Above them will be short-circuiting lights (I’m planning on using the bullet spark effect for that), on the players way up they will come across several gates blocking their path ( I may make the gates alternate every once in a while to create further panic via a script.)

I have already made some of the ship in MTA race is looks good so far. I just want the water level to raise to create this flooding game mode!

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Why not move the building they're in down instead? It will have the same effect. In fact, someone on the QA team already made a very similar mode. ;)

If I moved everything down that would mean making a script that would move hundreds of objects and particle effects and pickups. Also spawn points. Maybe even some other crap.

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(PS: YOU CANT DROWN IN SA !!!!!!!!!1111!!1)

you can, just swim underwater and dont come back up and you will soon drown

true, and that's the most realistic... i too think moving down the ship objects is a possibility too. But wait about flooding the los santos drains? That'd be cool, and that does require the level to be raised (although you could use the ipl2map tool, and massmove it).

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What I meant by drowned was when players run out of oxygen and, well, drowned. The players who were to slow to reach higher levels will run out of oxygen.

The pickups that I wanted in there are health pickups or maybe some other things that MTA will support.

and again moving those would be hard, I would have to make a script to move hundreds of objects, that would make for a long script. The water is only one thing, that’s why I would prefer moving it instead.

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about the scripting part, woudn't it be possible to include all objects into a list, or even maybe move all objects (except for players).

an example of moving everything down in GML (Game Maker Language)

[syntax=GML]c="if (not kind='player') { z-=1 }"

with all execute_string©"[/lua]

that would execute the string c with ALL objects. the c string, checks weither the you are a player, and if not, it sets the z-value (since in GM its not an actual position) retalivly to -1.

the variable kind would have to be set in all objects though. I think MTA might have some function to check the kind of an object an object is (actual object, pickup, player, spawnpoint, car-spawn, ???)

so if you convert that into MTA-compactable LUA (as in LUA using MTA functions), you might be able to do everything with an relativly short code. You could check the Hay tutorial to do something to a lot of objects.

You do certainly require this :P : moveObject ( object, s, x2, y2, z2 + 3, 0, 0, 0 )

i think the arguments are: object, speed, new x, new y, new z, something, something, something

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and again moving those would be hard, I would have to make a script to move hundreds of objects, that would make for a long script. The water is only one thing, that’s why I would prefer moving it instead.

Not necessarily. You can easily move a lot of objects in unison without writing lots of script code (object arrays and loops for example). Moving a lot of objects in the same direction and with the same speed should be no problem. Same goes for pickups (assuming you can dynamically set the xyz attributes). I was also thinking of the glue function. This will come in handy if you want to move objects as one...

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and again moving those would be hard, I would have to make a script to move hundreds of objects, that would make for a long script. The water is only one thing, that’s why I would prefer moving it instead.

Not necessarily. You can easily move a lot of objects in unison without writing lots of script code (object arrays and loops for example). Moving a lot of objects in the same direction and with the same speed should be no problem. Same goes for pickups (assuming you can dynamically set the xyz attributes). I was also thinking of the glue function. This will come in handy if you want to move objects as one...

You beat me to it :(:P
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about the scripting part, woudn't it be possible to include all objects into a list, or even maybe move all objects (except for players).

an example of moving everything down in GML (Game Maker Language)

[syntax=GML]c="if (not kind='player') { z-=1 }"

with all execute_string©"[/lua]

that would execute the string c with ALL objects. the c string, checks weither the you are a player, and if not, it sets the z-value (since in GM its not an actual position) retalivly to -1.

the variable kind would have to be set in all objects though. I think MTA might have some function to check the kind of an object an object is (actual object, pickup, player, spawnpoint, car-spawn, ???)

so if you convert that into MTA-compactable LUA (as in LUA using MTA functions), you might be able to do everything with an relativly short code. You could check the Hay tutorial to do something to a lot of objects.

You do certainly require this :P : moveObject ( object, s, x2, y2, z2 + 3, 0, 0, 0 )

i think the arguments are: object, speed, new x, new y, new z, something, something, something

Thats what I thought at first, I was just not shure if it was possible or would work for particles, etc. Only time will tell I guess.

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Ok, First of all I know this has been suggested before but before anyone stops reading let me make a point; no one has given a good reason why changing the water levels is a good idea. Well, here is my Idea for changing water levels to be an amazing and unique game mode for the upcoming MTA DM.

First suggestion:

The water level should be an option under the Death match settings along with time, weather etc. Also wave height would be a good option to like in Edisoncarter’s wave modifier. And yes I realize that the water height and wave height would need to be synced.

Second suggestion:

To be able to have the water rise up as the game time progresses. This would require a script however (can’t be too hard if its possible, It would be a lot easier than having to script every map object a lower to create a flood effect.

Why I would like this:

Because, I am planning to make a map that will be like a modern day Titanic, and the last player to drowned is the winner. In the beginning players will franticly try to find their way up to higher levels (the ship will be submerged in about 10 minuets) (and ship will consist of a bunch of connected ship hallways and all exits form the ship will be closed off.) All of the players will spawn in the lowest level of the ship, the engine room, around them is raising water ad several leaks in the hull (the waterfall obj). Above them will be short-circuiting lights (I’m planning on using the bullet spark effect for that), on the players way up they will come across several gates blocking their path ( I may make the gates alternate every once in a while to create further panic via a script.)

I have already made some of the ship in MTA race is looks good so far. I just want the water level to raise to create this flooding game mode!

Nice ideas!

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