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Rockstar Games Presents...


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Oh yeah, when it asks for your age, say you were born sometime in 1965...

....and can someone translate this?

R* oznámil svojí novou připravovanou hru s názvem L.A. Noire.Na co se můžeme těšit? Půjde o detektivní příběh, v němž bude hrát podstatnou roli série záhadných vražd, kterým se budete snažit přijít na kloub. Zatím se můžete podívat na první trailer, který naleznete na oficiální stránce hry, případně si ho ve větší kvalitě můžete stáhnout tady. Hra vyjde na PS3 a Xbox 360 a je dost možné, že poběží na stejném enginu, jak GTA4.

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Rockstar announced their new game called LA Noire. What can we expect? Game will be about a private detective ... bla bla I don't clearly understand xD. You can watch the official trailer on the game site. Game will be released on Ps3 and Xbox360, and most propably will be using GTA4 engine.

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Yeah, GTA has never really been about having "top of line" graphics, its always been about good gameplay... maybe soon GTA will have a technology revolution, and be up there with the big shot games like UT2007... good graphics and good game play... it might just happen....

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Yeah, GTA has never really been about having "top of line" graphics, its always been about good gameplay... maybe soon GTA will have a technology revolution, and be up there with the big shot games like UT2007... good graphics and good game play... it might just happen....

General rule of thumb for gaming has been

more bells and whistles = less gameplay, but wow look at the rabbit

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I think anyone who's been playing games long enough knows that what gives games long live spans is good game play, not good graphics.... kind of like Super Mario Brothers, the graphics are bad, the characters look like lumps of poop with mustaches, but the game play is simple and great...theres nothing like stepping on turtles and kicking them, or jumping though green tubes.

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