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MTA:SA Developers: Mobile


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Hi all! Today I want to present to you a piece of work that I have been working on for two and a half years! I was once an MTA:SA scripter, but life has turned out in such a way that now I develop Android applications, but I still have a love for MTA. That's why I wanted to make a small contribution to the MTA and create a mobile application. Actually, let me introduce MTA:SA Developers: Mobile - a mobile application for MTA:SA developers!


About the application
MTA:SA Developers: Mobile is an improved version of the MTA Compiler & Script editor application, which contains features such as:

  • Mobile version of the MTA:SA forum
  • Readable MTA:SA Wiki
  • Improved file manager
  • And, of course, a code editor

By the way, I wrote about MTA Compiler & Script editor in this article.

Now the file manager has the ability to work separately with archives and individual files, as well as the ability to save and encrypt both a separate script and an entire archive with a resource. The code editor has acquired a new engine, it has become more convenient to work with. Also, in addition to XML, Lua, HLSL syntaxes, I introduced into it support for HTML syntax with support for Lua functions.


In addition, the application allows you to follow MTA:SA online: by opening the application, or by placing a widget on your desktop.


In fact, three years ago I did not plan to improve the application; the idea arose spontaneously when I opened the MTA Wiki on my mobile phone and the site seemed very inconvenient to me. Later, I decided that it would be cool to also have news when opening the application. Two years later, I had the Forum and Wiki tab ready. But they didn’t look very cool, to put it mildly. And everything worked poorly: images in the news feed jumped after loading when scrolling, there were a lot of bugs. In part, this is due to the fact that I essentially did not have (and ultimately did not have) a forum API. Here's what it looked like:


Thanks to my wife, she was the one who implemented the new mobile application design!

What is the status now and what are your plans for the future?
I'm very glad that I finally released this app! In version 3.0 of the application, I tried to implement a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). In addition, I have removed all advertising from the application. I have a project on GitHub that has scheduled issues for versions 3.0.1 and 3.1. In future versions of the application, I would also like to implement the MTA Server list, as well as the MTA Community. Naturally, the project will live if I see that it is being used and there is some support in my direction.

What else
Haha, I forgot the most important thing, to leave you links to the application! Actually, at the moment, you can download and use the application as a regular user, as well as as an open testing tester (updates will come earlier for testers).

Link to participate in the testing program:
Link to install the application on Google play:
Link to install the application in Huawei App Gallery (if you see an old application, it means the new one has not yet been approved):

Please, if you find a bug in the application, report it here, or better yet, become a tester and write to me on Google Play!

I would like to express special thanks to @Sarrum and @Tut for their good feedback and help when I had questions.
Thank you all for your attention! 👋

Edited by lime|sg
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi all! Today MTA:SA Developers: Mobile version 3.0.1 was released for testing! Thank you very much all who took part in the first testing, during which some bugs were identified and fixed of today's release! In addition, new features have appeared in the application:
  • Added syntax highlighting in Wiki code blocks
  • Added copying and importing code from Wiki to the code editor
  • Fixed FPS drop when scrolling HTML and XML code in the code editor
  • Added a standard name when creating a file from the code editor
  • Added saving of opened file in the file manager
  • Added synchronization with the physical keyboard in the code editor, hotkeys:
    • CTRL + LEFT (move the caret to the beginning of the line)
    • CTRL + RIGHT (move the caret to the end of the line)
    • ALT + LEFT (caret shift to previous word)
    • ALT + RIGHT (caret shift to next word)
    • CTRL + Z (undo)
    • CTRL + Y (redo)
    • CTRL + S (save file)
    • CTRL + D (clear code editor)
    • ALT + M (open code editor menu)
    • ALT + DOWN (hide tabs)
    • ALT + UP (show tabs)
The link to participate in testing the new version of the application is the same: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/ru.limedev.mtacse
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! I'm ready to share good news with you! MTA:SA Developers: Mobile app is now updated to version 3.0.2! This release includes fixes and optimizations of the application:

  • Fixed application crash when opening empty archives
  • Fixed bugs in opening dialogs about saving files and archives
  • Application architecture optimization

The link is: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.limedev.mtacse

Thanks to everyone who participated in finding bugs!

Edited by lime|sg
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  • 2 months later...


Hello! It's time for a major update! MTA:SA Developers: Mobile 3.1 is now available in Google Play! This version includes such things as:

  •  Dark theme
  •  Ability to view Renderware models, including a visual representation of the model, as well as viewing a dump of the model
  •  Reading mode in the code editor
  •  Highlighting code blocks on the forum
  •  More Screen
  • Settings screen where you can configure:
    • Application theme
    • Enable / Disable code wrapping on the forum
    • Enable / Disable automatic video start on the forum
    • Load localized Wiki pages
    • Enable MTA:SA Wiki deeplinks for Android 12+ (it is disabled by default)
  • Community MTA:SA screen containing:
    • Recently uploaded resources that you can download
  • MTA:SA Server List screen with the ability to:
    • View a sorted list of MTA:SA servers
    • Edit list of favorite servers
  • Screen with partners
  • MTA:SA Wiki deeplinks
  • Embedded browser

Special thanks for your assistance @Sarrum & SimoSbara! These people helped make this release possible.

Link to participate in the testing program:
Link to install the application on Google play:

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all! The long-awaited release of 3.1.1 took place along with a joyful event - a thousand downloads of the application! Thank you for support!

I’m ready to share the full list of improvements and features of the new release:

  • Updated rwparser library, tested on a broken and empty file
  • Added hints for the Lua language in the code editor
  • Additional Wiki pages have been implemented
  • Adding / removing files to / from archive has been implemented
  • New design of the main page of the file manager has been implemented (added feature of creating resources from ready-made templates)
  • Implemented a folder selection dialog when adding a file to the archive
  • An analysis of the implementation of notifications in the application was carried out. Implemented notifications in the application
  • Implemented setting the XML file type in the code editor when importing the corresponding code from Wiki
  • Fixed a bug when opening a file and endless loading
  • Added clearing cache data when opening new files in the file manager

Link to install the application on Google play:

Link to install the application in Huawei App Gallery:

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I think I'm 1 year late, I had never noticed this post. Honestly, it seems you put a lot effort in the application, it looks very cool, I hope you get more impact and reach more people

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