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ideas fo mta:sa dm

Guest DirtySoufGangsta

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i think there should be a option in tha options that you can play as a player skin or skin in in -game ..but it would be skins that you downloaded and it would be cool if we can get clothes in in tha game .. o yea for tha skins when you want a different skin when your playing in tha game you would have to get killed and you respawn wit tha skin you want.. those are my ideas ..

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wut do yu mean yu need a translator .. yu cant read ? then yu need to go to school

Probably because of your punctuation of how you wrote your text.

The idea has been mentioned throughout the forums more then once, the outcome of that suggestion in previous threads i dont know. The screenshots which are shown throughout the blog might have some clue perhaps.

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...does anyone have a translator for this?

Yes, this is the translation.

I think there should be an option in the options that you can play as a custom skin or a skin from in-game. It would be cool if we can get clothes in the game. Oh yeah… When you want a different skin when your playing in the game you would have to get killed and you respawn with the skin you wanted. Those are my ideas.

Hmm, sounds very interesting. What would be the most funniest part is seeing a hot coffee model running around and shooting. Could be a bit distracting :shock:

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Its the fact that hes doing it intentionally to fit with his image of being a 'Gangsta'. If it was due to poor understanding of english it'd be another matter. The same applies to people using l33tsp3k or variants. No reason they should expect a sensible answer if they can't write a sensible question.

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Its the fact that hes doing it intentionally to fit with his image of being a 'Gangsta'.

Do we now control the images that people want? I just don't think that people should be flamed for making a simple suggestion. If they get treated harshly, they'll go somewhere else. That's why there are a lot of MTA-haters supporting other mods.

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Certainly don't flame anyone. They aren't getting flamed for their suggestion, just the way they're making it.

Of course we don't control the images that people want, thats not to say we shouldn't expect people to act maturely on this forum.

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Not every one's native language is english. I try to write as right as i can, for me the people who speak "onglish" are just making themselves look stupid.

On topic: i think having the option to select or make your own skin(maybe download it from a The Center?) is a good idea, or you could make it so we use the in-game parts of the body(hair types, color, clothes) and make our custom CJ.

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