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dedicated server / browser help

Guest outlaw_man

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I think sometimes people aren't supposed to see their own server on ASE.

Don't be silly :P

By entering you LAN IP address..

Not your normal IP adress..

Either will work if its setup properly. ( ports forwarded.. etc )

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so.....what about my problem? how can i see my server in the browser?

'cause i heard some ppl can see their servers.

If its enabled in the config, and the ports are forwarded, it should show up in ASE.

your outside ip?

What? :roll:

When you connect to a network, it assigns you an IP, like a phone number..

Unlike phones, you can connect to yourself, by using any of your own IPs. is a loopback address that doesn't use any network, it's basically for testing things.

Your router address is what your router has assigned you, and your regular IP is what your ISP assigns you.

Comprendez? :P

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i've also just done it myself. it did take quite a while (an hr maybe) for my server 2 finally sho up in MTA & ASE, tho. :?

edit: now this is quite odd... now my server isn't showing up in MTA or ASE at all... ? :? yet i can still connect 2 it by connecting 2 my own ip.

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