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Your best screenshots


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Well, instead of having a lot of different threads with just a few screens in them, I thought it would be better to use just one that anyone can post in.

Minor guidelines:

Please don't spam or flame, after all, no one will want to scroll through 20 posts before seeing an actual screenshot.

Short description of screenshots would be nice, since context usually is just as important as the screenshot itself.

Close call on Waterworld DD (yes I was that close):


What you get when people know what to do on Cops and Robbers maps:


One of the benefits of lag when trying to "lock down" a suspect:


These aren't the coolest ones you'll run across, so I'm hoping everyone else will post really cool screenshots!

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Here are some of mine, the first of witch is a WANTED man!

http://img352.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 0051tu.jpg

This is me winning :D

http://img206.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 0138dw.jpg

And these are stupid people / me :P

http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 0378lz.jpg

http://img206.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 0340ht.jpg

http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 0497zu.jpg

And what happens if you try to cheat at Cops v Robbers

http://img206.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 0470wx.jpg

And what happens when a Robber takes advantage of a cops stupidity

http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 0488ii.jpg

And one crazy ass picture...me thinks a hackerz :shock: lol

http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 0447wp.jpg

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Bad I didn't make a screenshot of it, but I got one hell of an action.

on airport dogfight. only two were left, a sabre. and me (hunter).

he drove into the parking garage and I was able to fly low and shoot inside it. I allmost hit him. then he drove deeper into it.

I decided to fly away and shoot the ground (where he was beneath) in the hope he could get caught by some splash damage.

the 1st shot was allready fatal, and I saw a door come flying up through the ground. that was really fun. after that, no one hid in the parking garage anymore.

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I really wish there was better ways of recording videos, smaller sizes at better quality...

Then you'd really see people doing crazy stuff ^^

Actually you can already see people do crazy stuff *cough*corkscrew 2 grind on SA or 90 FT packerbumps *cough*

Check out the video compressing tutorial.

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  • 3 weeks later...
And one crazy ass picture...me thinks a hackerz :shock: lol

http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 0447wp.jpg

lol, how did he get out of the car? Actually, people have goten out of their bike sometimes from a tank doing splash damage to the guy on a bike. But the other people shouldn't see him out of the car, instead, he should see someone on a bike who keeps falling over. Try it in freeroam.

When shooting the guy on the bike, do not shoot directly at him, shoot near him so splash damage gets him but does not kill him. The guy on the bike would be able to walk around but it is not synced, therefore we shouldn't be able to see him on foot.

But this screenshot you made, you can see him, but that shouldn't be possible. :?

I really wish there was better ways of recording videos, smaller sizes at better quality...

Then you'd really see people doing crazy stuff ^^

MTA should allow people to create replays and save them like in single player. They should be able to view it later, like say a replay thing on the main menu. It would open all the replays they made, show peoples names while replaying, and be able to look at what every person is doing. These files in single player are quite small, so they can be easily downloaded. 8)

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Actually, because of the new animation sync on the car in v1.1 and v1.1.1, it might also sync itself while he is not in the car, something the animation sync wasn't meant to be designed for, but the syncing might still active while we are on foot. So we can see the animation sync on foot. I havent tested this, but I want somebody to try it and find out.

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