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[News & Blog] MTA: San Andreas R1.0 Server Released!


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We've just released the Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas server. Builds are available for Linux and Windows.

The server will not allow you to play Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas As is usual with these kinds of releases, we release the server some time before the client (the program you play with) so that server providers can download and configure their server as they desire.

Head over to http://light.mtavc.com to download the server and to see a count down until we release the game for you to play!

Note for server admins: Anti-cheat is currently disabled in servers, we will enable it when we release the client. To enable anti-cheat after we release, just restart your server. Currently it will display a 404 'file not found' error, this is intentional.

If you have problems setting up your server, please check our wiki or visit our forum.

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HI :(

I have installed the xerces-c and all files are also in the folder: /usr/local/lib/







But i get always thes Error:

./mta_server: error while loading shared libraries: libxerces-c.so.27:

cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Ok now it wokes but i must run thes command line with the same Account like i run the MTA Server ;-)

And i must run thes command line always if i start the mta server new.

An how many RAM and CPU needs a 32 Slot MTA Server ?

Make a script.


export LD....

chmod +x the script and use it to execute it.

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Yeaaah !

The release will come out at 11h pm where I live... I won't sleep a lot tonight :lol:

hehe same here

FANfreakingTASTIC MTA team

Thanks for all the work, I really can't wait to try your masterpiece :wink:

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