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[Blog] Dedicated server layout (by IJs)


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  • MTA Team

You all know the dedicated server now has a console interpreter. Now, I think I forgot to explain what a console interpreter actually is, and I forgot to show you some examples as well :)

The new console interpreter means that you, as a server administrator, can now fully control the server from inside the server itself.

Remember the dedicated server from all earlier MTA versions? You just ran it and it worked, but you couldn't do anything inside the server window.

With the Blue dedicated server you can type stuff inside the console, perform admin commands (kick, ban, freeze, etc.) and more. I think this interactivity will make the dedicated server more attractive to anyone who wants to run a server.

Besides.. the server also comes with a nice status bar on top, fully customizable from the SDK (of course), currently showing you how many players are actually in it, how many maps, etc.

Just see for yourself :D

Linux version


Windows version


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Admins can now kick, freeze and f@#$ up your game because you are "cheating". I think you should add a voting system for the players to kick the admin when he does unnecessary kicking.

Blue has much better cheat protection than 0.5. It's also less glitchy and has better sync so it's more obvious who is cheating. If admins abuse it, play on another server ;)

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Very nice serverfeature :) (very handy with games like Hl/CS...)

@Laggy: lol in the most MP games admins got that features, and a votekick for admins is just stupid. Don't forget most admins host/pay for there servers, so they can do with there server what they want...

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Admins can now kick, freeze and f@#$ up your game because you are "cheating". I think you should add a voting system for the players to kick the admin when he does unnecessary kicking.

P.S: Imo, I think mta blue maybe become this in the future.

What's the point in that? As Azer said, Admins can do as they wish, end of the day it's their server so they can do what they want. If people don't like it then they can go to another server :?

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  • MTA Team
Admins can now kick, freeze and f@#$ up your game because you are "cheating". I think you should add a voting system for the players to kick the admin when he does unnecessary kicking.

If you don't like the admin, don't go to his server. In the end he is paying the bills so he has the right to be an ass if he wants to. Otherwise rent your own server.

Will you be able to run it in screen, detatch it, resume it and do it?
That's the whole point of screen it the end.
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If you don't like the admin, don't go to his server. In the end he is paying the bills so he has the right to be an ass if he wants to. Otherwise rent your own server.

That’s a comforting thought. It’s just that I’m very laggy and my country has about 3 working servers (the admins on those servers are dicks). I hope when blue comes out there will be more servers where I live because I’ve been kicked sooooooo many times (for "cheating") and it’s getting annoying.

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