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GTA2 on 3


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We need some help, like adding the radio stations correctly to gta3.

Theres 11 stations in gta2 and 9 in gta3 (not including mp3player)

We are able to change the station names in the gxt, thats no problem, and i noticed something odd, the value HEAD is associated with head radio. I'm thinking perhaps if I name FEA_FM1 (fm0 is head, i'm not changing it) to the name of the radio station, say its RockStar (cuz it is), and i name a value ROCK and give it the definition of RockStar, so that it when i tune to fm1, it'll say RockStar, find another thing that says RockStar and it'll see ROCK, and translate that to ROCK.wav. I'm not sure if it will work but thats just what i think. Any Ideas?

GTA2 on 3 site

P.S. We may have to omit a radio station. There is now a Poll at http://www.mrpoll.com to find out which one you can do without

Please note, we hope and pray we can add the lost station back in, at a later date.

You can find the poll here

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If i'm reading this correctly, (probably not) the idea is to use GTA2 music to replace the GTA3 music? Or add those two stations as extra stations in GTA3? *shrug* why not simply replace the files with an mp3 stream of the gta2 music, and rename them to HEAD.WAV or MSX.WAV etc. And use the GXT editor to display the original station names.

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ive only played gta2 at other ppl's houses, or at school.. but are the radio stations the same? does GTA2 have a HEAD, Flash back? becuse if the old radios are different, it would be sick as hell to make all the radios in gta3.. but you cant do that can you? or even better add AM\FM.

heres how it would work:

in the directory where you have the radio files you have two folders:

AM = GTA2 radio

FM = GTA3 radio

all the files are the same in name.. then make a little program that runs in the BG, that when you press "SHIFT+R" it changes from AM to FM and back.. it displays the msg in game.. and then it swaps the files gta reads.. that way you could have all.. then to add GTA1 radio you could have XM.

also some one with good sound recording equipment should make a mod to add "the orbit" or what ever that other station is.

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  xerox said:
great to see a somewhat dissapointing release of gta2 converted to the great gta3 engine =)

Considering i could never get gta2 running its will be good to play =)

Keep us posted guys! =)

You couldn't get gta2 running? heres some help.

Go to http://www.gta2.com, and click the time thats correct (todays date), and click PATCH. that'll let it work on xp.


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  trx said:
If i'm reading this correctly, (probably not) the idea is to use GTA2 music to replace the GTA3 music? Or add those two stations as extra stations in GTA3? *shrug* why not simply replace the files with an mp3 stream of the gta2 music, and rename them to HEAD.WAV or MSX.WAV etc. And use the GXT editor to display the original station names.

There are 11 radio stations in GTA2. There are 9 radio stations in GTA3. This would pose a problem, wouldn't it? We can change the names fine, but we believe that the audio file references are hardcoded into the exe. Thats a problem.

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how many damn post do i need to lose "newbie!"

it changes every 25.

0-24 = newbie

25-49 = eperienced one

50-74 = crazy user

75-99 = insane poster

100-? = MTA Fan

note: 3 & 4 might be switched

as far as the radios: i already talked about that

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  Descrete said:
umm, we have 2 or 3 modellers now and we put the stations in game, althought 2 of them are on the mp3 station :roll: , we'll fix this when we find out, we also started changing the fonts.

The fonts are insane. I've thought LONG and HARD about this. Now, I've just come up with a solution right while typing this... Because the extra letters with the odd characters are for different languages, and theres probably 26 anyway, we can use them to be the big letters. In gta3, the words in big such as "RAMPAGE" or whatever, they're the same font as the words at the bottom for the missions. Well, in GTA2, they're different fonts (the RAMPAGE and the mission texts). We can use those "extra characters" to store the A-Z of the caps letters, and the regular letters to be the mission text. So when you write a script, you'll probably be using crazy letters for the big text... but Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!

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