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Ankeborgs is probably the best place for the RPG Server since its always full, Just going on the server and killing people is quite a laugh.

Yup its a fun place for all hackers and glitchers , so those how do any of those head towards that server , cause the admin there is either gay or dumb and doesnt care if someone glitches or hacks its one and the same thing to him and enjoys that himself too.

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Well i tried looking 4 the answers through the add ons section and searching through other websites 2 fix my prob...but i keep coming accross the same answers and none of them are working. Ive tried reinstalling MTA:MA and other scripting files, ive had my firewall turned off, i updated MTAServer, hell ive even tried reinstalling mIRC and MTA 2 see if that would fix the prob but none of them are working. :?

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  • 2 months later...
Ankeborgs is probably the best place for the RPG Server since its always full, Just going on the server and killing people is quite a laugh.

Yeh it is lol, but then all u get when u go killing ppl there is a "bloody DMers" lol well dam u RPGers lol :lol:

Then u normaly get a temp ban :( i cry

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yeah, but lord forbid you kill someone..

To all who bitches and crys about being banned from the server for killing/shooting w/o reason...

If you join a server - please follow it's rules. We have enough DM servers on MTA, so if you want to kill - you can take your little ass from the RPG server and deposit it on sum DM server.

It aint hard to change server, only 10 seconds. But if you have such a shitty attitude and want to brake RPG'rs fun by DM'ing them and wont stop after being told to, you will have to leave the #1 server of MTA :D .

*sigh* I will probably get flamed by these "cool gangsta killer" dudes like Jigga and they will tell me to go play sims or dungeons and dragons if I want RPG. But I will respond to them before they even say something... In RPG, we dont sell donuts or cook food, there are killings in RPG, but they are made with imagination. It's the fun of playing like in real life... You fools just don't understand the GTA RPG type. Selling drugs - RPG. Cop chases, hold ups, bank robberies - RPG. Turfwars - RPG.

RPG is about using imagination, not using a script. ;)

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