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Will the old SA disk become rare?


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the hatian incident was a piece of hidden code that allowed you to have "hot coco" with a hatian girl.

actually it was part of the game that asked you to "kill the hatians" and it was removed.

Now that made me laugh for 15 min :lol:

u need to get out more :lol::wink:

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I allways get confused with the haitians and the cubans... The haitians kill the cubans, the cubans kill the haitians... but who are who. Did the cubans got the hermes and the haitians the voodoo's?

Yes, the haitans after you complete Auntie's missions will attack you but the cubans wont unless you shoot them.

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um actually, the whole point of this was to find out if the ORIGINAL disk would become rare, or of higher value, i dont care whats being changed, point is its gonna be changed!

which means that there's gonna be originals...

and please ChR*NiC, we don't need ranchy pictures.

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The topic was about the value of cd's before and after information modification of the game, by the makers of the game, to be sold in stores.

so forget it, moderator please kill this topic, for it is suffering and is in great pain.

i had a simple question, and it became too complicated, so forget it.

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