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  1. Preface Hi all! Today I want to present to you a piece of work that I have been working on for two and a half years! I was once an MTA:SA scripter, but life has turned out in such a way that now I develop Android applications, but I still have a love for MTA. That's why I wanted to make a small contribution to the MTA and create a mobile application. Actually, let me introduce MTA:SA Developers: Mobile - a mobile application for MTA:SA developers! About the application MTA:SA Developers: Mobile is an improved version of the MTA Compiler & Script editor application, which contains features such as: Mobile version of the MTA:SA forum Readable MTA:SA Wiki Improved file manager And, of course, a code editor By the way, I wrote about MTA Compiler & Script editor in this article. Now the file manager has the ability to work separately with archives and individual files, as well as the ability to save and encrypt both a separate script and an entire archive with a resource. The code editor has acquired a new engine, it has become more convenient to work with. Also, in addition to XML, Lua, HLSL syntaxes, I introduced into it support for HTML syntax with support for Lua functions. In addition, the application allows you to follow MTA:SA online: by opening the application, or by placing a widget on your desktop. Background In fact, three years ago I did not plan to improve the application; the idea arose spontaneously when I opened the MTA Wiki on my mobile phone and the site seemed very inconvenient to me. Later, I decided that it would be cool to also have news when opening the application. Two years later, I had the Forum and Wiki tab ready. But they didn’t look very cool, to put it mildly. And everything worked poorly: images in the news feed jumped after loading when scrolling, there were a lot of bugs. In part, this is due to the fact that I essentially did not have (and ultimately did not have) a forum API. Here's what it looked like: Thanks to my wife, she was the one who implemented the new mobile application design! What is the status now and what are your plans for the future? I'm very glad that I finally released this app! In version 3.0 of the application, I tried to implement a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). In addition, I have removed all advertising from the application. I have a project on GitHub that has scheduled issues for versions 3.0.1 and 3.1. In future versions of the application, I would also like to implement the MTA Server list, as well as the MTA Community. Naturally, the project will live if I see that it is being used and there is some support in my direction. What else Haha, I forgot the most important thing, to leave you links to the application! Actually, at the moment, you can download and use the application as a regular user, as well as as an open testing tester (updates will come earlier for testers). Link to participate in the testing program: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/ru.limedev.mtacse Link to install the application on Google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.limedev.mtacse Link to install the application in Huawei App Gallery (if you see an old application, it means the new one has not yet been approved): https://appgallery.huawei.com/#/app/C103285117 Please, if you find a bug in the application, report it here, or better yet, become a tester and write to me on Google Play! I would like to express special thanks to @Sarrum and @Tut for their good feedback and help when I had questions. Thank you all for your attention!
  2. Am realizat de ceva vreme un backup la wiki offline și am gasit un loc unde sa il încarc în cloud poate cuiva îi va fi util în diverse situații fie probleme la internet etc. De menționat este că anumite elemente din pagini ce prezintă diverse culori nu vor mai fi evidențiate precum sunt pe pagina oficială. Link: 1.5.9: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oYFFeR-kw2htWFGrB_0i_iT97HaxKOjP/view 1.6.0: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16xBwa0aZBxxb4CcldlYDZNyLGhKOhPgr/view?usp=sharing În caz că link-urile nu mai funcționează în timp lăsați un comentariu la topic și în acest caz voi actualiza link-urile!
  3. Hi, i want to translate some pages from wiki to Romanian language so we can have functions and events translated to our language. And i was saving a page and i got this: This user is currently blocked. The latest block log entry is provided below for reference: 17:16, 16 March 2023 Abuse filter talk contribs blocked FlorinSzasz talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, cannot edit own talk page) (Automatically blocked by abuse filter. Description of matched rule: Spam bot detection) I want to know where i was wrong or where i did something wrong?
  4. Hello, I'm not sure if it's possible to do this but it would be interesting to redirect our users to to their translated main page (when clicking in MTA Wiki logo) - if his language has any, since there are many translated versions, which would helpful to those who would like to start learning but can't it due to the language barrier. Basically, instead of using the sidebar everytime to pick your language, you could be redirected automatically depending on your country (through IP?) or when changing the language in Preferences page.
  5. Dear MTA wiki support team, recently I have been trying to perform changes to the MTA wiki content but have been denied due to a strange error message. A different message is being shown when trying to log out and log in. By assessing the whole set of error messages I am assuming that the MTA wiki is hit by a web service outage and cannot be maintained. Please note that the error messages do wrongfully put the blame on the user or the hijacking of his data but I doubt it is true because I have also tried to login with invalid login data through a Tor node and the same errors happened. Error message when trying to edit content Error message when trying to log out Error message when trying to log in I am sorry if I have missed any official statement about this issue. But it has started pretty recently and I would like to know when it is going to be repaired. Content meant to be added to "Where to buy GTASA"
  6. Truth - MTA Wiki Discord Bot Since i was in need for a wiki discord bot on a discord server, I decided to make one. I have also created a dashboard to manage the bot's setting on your guild. This bot is open source so feel free to submit PR's or issues. There is a new wiki coming soon(?), so i am planning to convert this bot to use the new version once it releases if there's no official wiki bot available at that time. I hope this bot can be of use to you. Features Wiki article fetching like on MTA's official discord Wiki article searching Function/Event examples Customizable bot output set via dashboard (hide syntax, hide description etc) Links https://truth.afusensi.xyz/ https://github.com/AfuSensi/truth-mta-wiki-bot
  7. Hello everyone. I created a page with an useful function. But I think that it's too hard to others understand. So I need an experienced user or moderator to fix the page or tell me what to do. FadeInText
  8. Hola gente acabo de modificar una script de mi Day Z que te permite coger la mochila y con click derecho equipartela manualmente... He echo esto porque en el gamemod que descargue la mochila se te equipaba automáticamente (cosa que no me gustaba) He echo casi todo bien, pero el problema con lo que hice fué que al morir la mochila no desaparece de tu inventario y como consecuencia tampoco te deja arrojar otros items es como que bugea todo tu inventario =( Aqui les dejo mi script: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemName2 = itemName if itemName == "Patrol Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 12 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Patrol Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Vest Pouch Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 14 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Vest Pouch Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Assault Pack (ACU)" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 18 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Assault Pack (ACU)") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Alice Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 22 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Alice Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "British Assault Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 26 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"British Assault Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Czech Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 30 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Czech Backpack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Coyote Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 36 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Coyote Backpack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "CMRA Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 70 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"CMRA Backpack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Army Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 50 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Army Backpack") == 1 then return end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if loot then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), itemName, (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), itemName) or 0) + itemPlus) if itemPlus == 0 then setElementData(loot, itemName, getElementData(loot, itemName) - 0) else setElementData(loot, itemName, getElementData(loot, itemName) - 1) end local players = getElementsWithinColShape(loot, "player") if #players > 1 then triggerServerEvent("onPlayerChangeLoot", getRootElement(), loot) end end if getElementData(loot, "itemloot") then triggerServerEvent("refre:~emLoot", getRootElement(), loot, getElementData(loot, "parent")) end end addEvent("onPlayerMoveItemInInventory", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerMoveItemInInventory", getRootElement(), onPlayerMoveItemInInventory) function onClientOpenInventoryStopMenu() triggerEvent("disableMenu", getLocalPlayer()) end function isPlayerInLoot() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "loot") then return getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentCol") end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Según noto esta todo bien pero porqué la mochila no desaparece de tu inventario? no se!! Espero me den una manito muchas gracias!!!.
  9. كثير ناس ما حافظين الفنكشنات .. والمحرر القديم توقف الدعم له ف قررت اسوي محرر بنفسي صور من المحرر باقيلي Syntax highlighting - تلوين الفنكشنات اضافة البرامترات اضافتهن تلقائئيه كل ما تجي فنكشن جديده بالويكي بس تحدث البرنامج يجيبلك كل الفنكشنات Source code soon :3
  10. Hi i'm working on a script editor for mta. The first problem was that i don't have the time to copy and paste all the functions syntax and the return type and the extra info And web scraping did not work for me ( you can check it yourself ) is there a way to get them? The Script editor will be written in Java and it will be open source once i have this problem solved :D. Thanks <3.
  11. Hi! I can't acces to my account on the wiki. I remember creating it with an old method, don't remember what tho. When I try to reset my password the email never reaches me. I'm 100% sure that my username is Platin and my email is , so i don't know what else to do. Someone out there could help me?
  12. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..، ي شبابب! اريد واحد يسجل شرح الفيديو تسجيل صوتي لاني مااقدر اسجل صوت
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