ye but its started to annoy me i gotta get used ot it.
With robber i think jump should be readded, with reload for scroll so u cant switch glitch, and to stop crouching make it so when u crouch u can run off u have to press crouch again to stand up that will slow them down.
How many people found it funny?
Maybe only u found it amusing, if thats the case why dont u type it in notepad save it and view it when u wont a laugh.
Try this:
Go to your desktop right click my computer, properties, Click the advanced tab, at the bottom is a section called "startup and recovery", Click settings, theres a section called "system failure" untick the automatically restart option.
This has already come up, i guess it will be locked to. Check all files or programs open incase they have "trainer" in there, also check msn names if u got msn open.