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Everything posted by XxX

  1. eh hope we get a extension on our contract, if not ill come after you jani.
  2. ye but its started to annoy me i gotta get used ot it. With robber i think jump should be readded, with reload for scroll so u cant switch glitch, and to stop crouching make it so when u crouch u can run off u have to press crouch again to stand up that will slow them down.
  3. Anyone thought the spaz would make a return ?
  4. tbh i think rc's are the best things ive seen 0.5.
  5. Shotty and m4 are my fav weaps and they aint been modified so i couldnt care less.
  6. I aint heard this b4 im gonna check it out.
  7. Ye i think the script would be simple to make to.
  8. How many people found it funny? Maybe only u found it amusing, if thats the case why dont u type it in notepad save it and view it when u wont a laugh.
  9. Were makign a stunt script wanna match when its done.
  10. How can u get as high as u have in that first pic?
  11. XxX


    Try this: Go to your desktop right click my computer, properties, Click the advanced tab, at the bottom is a section called "startup and recovery", Click settings, theres a section called "system failure" untick the automatically restart option.
  12. Have u got that mixed up?
  13. XxX

    Sorry guys

    Enable sprinting for nades and mollies.
  14. Im better with shotty anyway and i ehard the bullet distance is increased, not sure tho.
  15. Thats rather high I had a 2000 rotation but never got a screenie.
  16. With the drive by enabled on it. Thats a dream..
  17. i aint to bothered with stubby but u cant sprint with nades and mollies why not
  18. I was playing in a server yesterday were 1 player couldnt see me but i could see him.
  19. This has already come up, i guess it will be locked to. Check all files or programs open incase they have "trainer" in there, also check msn names if u got msn open.
  20. Your a bright spark.
  21. Take them rc's to the fountain, its a nice place rc'ing.
  22. Stunt mode records, post below if u beat my height..
  23. Check ppl's msn names also
  24. I had this, but i just closed it and opened again and it worked.
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