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Everything posted by XxX

  1. i posted that about 3 seconds ago, that was ub3r fast.
  2. ive seen the rc cars go upside down and u cant do nuthin about it.
  3. Yep ive seen it and tryed it, its easly done.
  4. Im terrible at flying the dodo.
  5. XxX


    atm it does, next release it wont.
  6. Wish there was easier access to nades then they coulda maybe put the spaz on that hut.
  7. It a gud idea u would have to be warned first "yes kill or no kill" incase your finger slipped.
  8. XxX

    Sorry guys

    Yeh there are two ways of doing it still
  9. lol i almost flew all round the map today with nitro lol
  10. Theres alot of gud points to that and about no bad points.
  11. 0.4 and b4 just wasnt ment for matchs, and matchs are the best thing in mta i think, mta 0.5 is stable enough for them as when u go for pickups u wont crash, i remember playing a match with ULK and it took 1 hr to start due to crashs.
  12. I've seen this bought up in other topics but i think it would be gud if that was enabled
  13. XxX

    LoGix`s Screenies :P

    LOL check lfm's hieght
  14. You was doing it in your server u fake h4x0r
  15. Ok we will hang in there for them to be upgraded. looks like ill be playign cs: s untill they are upgraded.
  16. I didnt say ALL the money bk rofl
  17. So there will be an extension with money bk and added servers?
  18. lmao check lfm flying. http://sjunx.spymac.net/rcflying.wmv
  19. XxX

    Sorry guys

    i know if u enable sprint u would have to enable jumping so it aint posible but how would running ALONE cause nade glitching
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