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Everything posted by nick

  1. i realize why i'm not allowed to play. don't worry. i wouldn't allow me either.
  2. i realize why i'm not allowed to play. don't worry. i wouldn't allow me either.
  3. nick

    OG's vids

    Bishop don't liasten to him he's very bad taste.. props for the vid.. i thought it was well done.
  4. originally i had solitare and tetris on my list,,, but then i realized i didn't play those games until well after windows was out. therefor being on my first games list wouldn't have been valid.
  5. in chronological order my most addicting games (in the beginning) DOS DAYS wolf3d doom doom2 comanche alone in the dark WIN 3.1 grand prix red baron warcraft need for speed
  6. people still play with FKU tags..
  7. GTAGAMING server races with kodo Smog Ronseal
  8. nick

    Shoutcast Radio

    yes i spoke with someone about this earlier today and with success. apparantly it works.
  9. since the gang section was mutilated... I R NEVAR FORGET
  10. that's because someone had the bright idea to ruin the gang forum. apparantly only certain clans get to communicate (in the gang forum) nowadays. i know those excluded brought many users here. (don't know who, nor do i care anymore)
  11. it's "pick on brophy's integrity day" kthnx everyone: laugh at him.
  12. omfg rofl you're seriously cracking me up! VCES is gonna love this post.. broppy you slag!
  13. ROFL OMFG that's ttthe funniest thign i've heard all year. and ps. why not make this a world entry event? i know that screws the title up but comeon, wouldn't we rather make this like the olympics??? i can surely gather an american crew to join in on the fun...
  14. nick


    i believe he's banned from here so there's no point in posting here. try: http://www.mta-ss.co.uk/index.php
  15. ... why would i want to lead it. LOLZ:P
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