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About iNawaF

  • Birthday 24/05/1998

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  1. Identify the Sound Groups Check the documentation or forums for the specific sound group IDs for hydra, shamal, and at400. Engine sounds typically fall under specific IDs https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetWorldSoundEnabled Using setWorldSoundEnabled -- Disable engine sounds for hydra, shamal, and at400 local aircraftSoundGroup = 19 -- Example sound group ID for engines setWorldSoundEnabled(aircraftSoundGroup, false) Test Different IDs If the above ID does not work, try other sound group IDs that may be associated with aircraft sounds. You may need to experiment with IDs until you find the correct one. Check Conflicting Scripts Make sure that no other scripts are interfering with the sound settings. Disable other sound-related scripts temporarily to isolate the issue.
  2. تاكد من الصوره دام ما يعطيك دي بق لو في خطا المصحح يعطيك
  3. افتح الدي بق وشف الاخطأ لم تجي تشغل الوحه اذا ما قدرت تحل المشكله بنفسك تقدر تطرحه هنا بالموضوع حقك ? .
  4. مشاء الله بالتوفيق لك ان شاء الله القيم مود جميل
  5. سلام عليكم نواف تقدر تساعدي أحتاج مود بيست لوسمحت

    1. iNawaF


      تواصل معي بالديسكورد iNawaF#2020

  6. iNawaF

    Help me

    Go to ACL, add resource.* in Console group and Admin
  7. Discord : iNawaF#9110 اي شي تبغاه تواصل معي بالديسكورد عشان اساعدك @MoOoOdE
  8. Do you have beautiful memories in Multi Theft Auto !!
  9. use dgsCreateLabel - Multi Theft Auto: Wiki dgsCreateLabel
  10. addEventHandler( 'onClientRender', root, function( ) setTime( 12, 0 ) end ) setTime - Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
  11. local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() Add this to show the font and sizes for everyone mta
  12. iNawaF

    Help me

    Check out admin_server.lua Or replace the file addEvent ( "aResource", true ) addEventHandler ( "aResource", root, function ( name, action ) if checkClient( "command."..action, source, 'aResource', action ) then return end local pname = getPlayerName ( source ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( client or source, "command."..action ) ) then local text = "" if ( action == "start" ) then if ( startResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ), true ) ) then text = "started" end elseif ( action == "restart" ) then if ( getResourceState ( getResourceFromName ( name ) ) == "running" ) then if ( restartResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ) ) ) then text = "restarted" end end elseif ( action == "stop" ) then if ( stopResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ) ) ) then text = "stopped" end elseif ( action == "delete" ) then if ( deleteResource ( getResourceFromName ( name ) ) ) then text = "deleted" end elseif ( action == "stopall" ) then if ( stopAllResources ( ) ) then text = "All Stopped" end end if ( text ~= "" ) then outputServerLog ( "ADMIN: Resource \'" .. name .. "\' " .. text .. " by " .. getAdminNameForLog ( source ) ) for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientLog", root, text ) end end return true end outputChatBox ( "Access denied for '"..tostring ( action ).."'", source, 255, 168, 0 ) return false end ) Access the admin_server.lua file look for line 1261 and put the said code
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