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Posts posted by njr1489

  1. Not quite just a "wait for blue" answer is it? He told you why the option of vehicle spawns and character spawns wasn't included in the previous core and he says this has been fixed in blue :? what else did you want to know, or are you just trying to point out every tit bit that is wrong with the current core and "how it can be improved" No wonder all you get is wait for blue answers, because these have probably already all been fixed/done.

    Whoa, my post was nothing negative, I just wanted my question answered. I didn't know that MTA didn't use SCM hooking until Oli told me in his post. Before he posted, I thought ini's could have been used with the current core. I'm fine with the way he answered my question. For me, its a wait for blue answer because I would have to wait to do something like that.

  2. I agree! ^^

    That's why we're putting up a blog soon ;). Last update is 3 days ago, but before that it was almost a month :(.

    As for the latest progress since that post, We've been working a lot on GUI for mainmenu, ingame serverbrowsing and similar to make Blue more usefriendly for a release. As for the racemode, it lacks functionality around some parts not specific to the race itself which is about to get done within the next couple of days, but otherwize it's very nice. Smoothness is very good, but some fine-tunings are still required.

    Blue is overall already getting pretty big. Currently we can access many parts of SA's functionality down to the smallest details even though many are still left. We've been working mostly around functions needed for racing so we can get that out as fast as possible as good as possible, then continue on foot-code needed for deathmatch.

    Guess that pretty much sum it up, hope you enjoyed the update.

    Thats an update I have been waiting for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Thanks for sharing some information. That's what I like to hear. You actually make me like MTA a little.

  3. Well about this, I have to say there was a lack of communication in the past because most of the time we wouldn't have a feedom of opinion. Thats what pissed most people off as a start. The updates are ok, they just need a little more detail into it is all. I think the forums should be less tight and easy on the rules before things like this happen.

  4. MTA has never used an ini like VC-MP does, they have always used an scm. Also there is no 0.3 core, all the VC versions have used the 0.2 core which as we all know is very out dated and is being pushed to its limits already. Capo i have no clue where you got that info but you might want to check it again.

    EDIT: By the way..VC-MP doesnt use the 0.2 core, the vc-mp built there own.

    Yeah I thought that was more like it. Think about it, if they used ini's all these things that made MTA suck after 0.3 would have never happened.

  5. why they stop?

    probably wanted sumfin new.

    (I'm not sure if all this is correct, don't take my word for it)

    I don't think that is the reasons, because ini's = customizeable servers. I don't think ini's would get old, since they allow you to make changes in your server, which means its something new when others play MTA.

  6. 0.1 I'm not sure wot core it was (cos i never played it)

    0.2 which i did play, its the same core as vc-mp.

    your asking why they did use the .ini script, mainly cos 0.2 was buggy, so the team came up with 0.3 (best verion, n1 team), in 0.3 core they stopped using .ini script.

    Ok, then, why did they stop using the ini? It would have been a lot more fun, and people would actually play 0.5 if it were still here.

  7. My question isn't going to get answered on the other thread, so i'll ask here. Why didn't you think about letting people customize their servers using ini files like VC-MP does? If this was done back in 0.2, it would have been a lot more fun seeing that you could change where the pickups where, what the classes spawn with, change the classes themselves, etc. Also most importantly, it would have saved people whining about the 0.3 spaz, bad changes in weapons and vehicles after 0.3, the 0.4 stubby complaints, and 0.5 ending up as crap.

    I don't want this ending up as a flame thread or anything negative, I just want to know the answer.

  8. the ini doesnt come with mta/vc already?

    No MTA doesn't come with an INI, and you can't customize it. That is for VC-MP only.

    Also a question to the team,

    Why didn't you add an INI so we could customize our game and you don't have to? This could have avoided the 0.4 complaints, 0.5 being crap, and people playing the same thing over and over again.

  9. VC-MP? What's that? Also, they added all these cars via an INI file? That sounds really hard to me, and massivly time consuming, there is no other easier way?

    Thats another multi player mod that is not released yet but is very synced when I played it. My sig has the site.

    Anyway back to MTA. They should have done this, so people could customize their game how they want it, and not these bad decisions that make the game worse which we aren't allowed to fix or it would be cheating. The INI I have read is easy to learn. All you need to know is the weapon ID number, coordinates by using a trainer, and the skin ID number. All it takes is finding numbers to get what you want.

  10. Is their a possible way to edit the city for cars? VC is obviously edited for cars for MTA, is their a way the user can edit where cars are, a program to use perhaps? I'd like to add a few in certain spots.

    No, there isn't an ini that does that. If they did do that, 0.5 would have been a much better version since we could customize it like we can in VC-MP.

  11. LC is better coz it has Banshee-Viper 8) .. btw.. GTA:LC bugs + MP bugs = buuuuugs ??

    Just had to bump this, but anyway there aren't so much bugs, its still perfect! LC is way better than a GTA 3 online. I love the skimmers sea sparrows, cars and how blunted the col creator made many things solid like the stadium, which is easy to get to!

    GTA 3 has died, and I don't see a blue version for that. LC has so much more, and we can still customize whatever we want such as the spawns, the cars, the skins, and what weapons spawn. I'll stick with LC-MP for now.

  12. Like schark said, keep trying. It is hard to recruit good members now, because this is the worst version to play. Once new versions of MTA, SA-MP, VC-MP, and LC-MP are out, you might catch a few members.

  13. I started C++, after the hello world program I paused C++ and began PHP and Flash to complete my site and after that I'll pick up C++ again...

    Hello world apps won't really help. I already know that, so its time to buy a book that teaches you everything, then start a project using what I know.

  14. Good to hear that SA gets a higher priority then VC, becouse now I got SA I've only played VC 1 hour in total, the rest of the time it was SA. I love the game, I love playing online, SA+online=MTA for me!

    Not for others. I liked VC even better than SA. SA is just too big to play in and isn't as fun as it was in VC.

  15. Hi i have never got mta 2 work 4 anything dispite this im looking 4ward 2 mta:sa however i have a few questions from other topics it sounds like the first realease is going 2 be er ... dodgy any how hopefully over time u can fix it up. i was wondering would it b possible 2 make a team deathmatch gamemode. teams could b like gangs (like gta2) say 4 ppl per team u could even have cops (crooked 1's) as a team cause after i finished the misson "the end of the line" (the last mission) the 2nd half if it where u chace timpenni and u swap seats with sweet u get the full aim wile in a car simmilar 2 the drive by's i thort it would b cool if say the 1st person in the car became the driver and the 2nd and third ect if they were on the same team became gunners/passengers and if some 1 trys 2 enter the car and there not on your team then they get jacked however this might b out of your leage im a mapper (not 4 gtasa) and as such i do realise there may b limitations in what u can do as far as animations there all there but the passenger part might b a problem any how thats my idea pls reply im interested in what u think


    1) How long will it be untill MTASA is released?

    2) I think there should be a team deathmatch gamemode

    My reply:

    1) No release dates.

    2) Besides answering the team DM, blue isn't the current core, and in the current core not all animations are synced.

  16. MTA focuses on modders, giving the opportunity to create smth with their blue build .. dont depend on them for gamemods. Thats nice.

    Who is going to make gamemodes then? Not many know C++. I rather depend on a team making a game mode for me. I don't want to be stuck with a race mode forever.

  17. im also not so interested in sa mutiplayer as i am in vice and gta3. they are good games that really deserved to be multiplayer in the first place.

    It's not so much that its just going to be a racing mod thats supposed to "tide us over till the next release" that bugs me, but the fact that it SEEMS that its a racing mod INSTEAD OF .5.5. No good staunton island? no fixed vc crusader? (the crusader bug merited an immediate patch btw)

    of course, as far as i know .5.5 might still happen, no one has publicly said one way or the other as far as i know.


    What happened to Portland, Staunton, and SSV? What happened to the crusader bug fix? What happened to 0.5.5 VC features? What happened to the version that was going to make us actually play MTA:VC? All that put over just for a racing mod. SA isn't even that great, because its so big and IMO won't be as fun as VC or GTA 3 online. I'll thank the SA-MP for doing it.

    Some respect is due to MTA for what they've done... up to 0.3 that is.

    You guys have partly become the Nintendo of GTA Multiplayer clients. You had some great releases in your beginning, but now that we see your pointless "innovative" ideas, and what others can do, we just dont care anymore. The only way your not like Nintendo, is that they actually still have some good releases now and then, and they actually have people who care about what their developing.

    You know exactly what I mean.

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