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Posts posted by njr1489

  1. I would like to have those loop de loops and rings of fire from the dirtring and put where the dirt road is near the hyman memorial station. Also, can a hot ring race be possible? If it is, I was thinking it could be set up this way. A person enters the memorial station and waits for another person to come, then when there are enough people the first person who entered types a command to start the countdown or it could be like gta 3 when everytime at 15:00 a race starts.

  2. They should have some updates of what they are doing just to show they aren't dead. It is a lot of work for a small team. They should have more members on the mta team so work can get done faster and so they can have more time for themselves.

  3. I do notice some people people using the S.S. spawn. The secret service spawn is pretty much used for the MP5 and it is the closest spawn to the next island. Not that much action is there unless there is a spawn war.

    Edit: I thought of more skins but this time its for GTA SA.

    Crack dealer - Big smoke, ryder, crack dealing pedestrian

    Cop - Tenpenny, pulowski, regular cop

    GSF - CJ(green clothes), Sweet, kendl

    Mexican - Vagos skin, Cesar

    Balla - Balla skin 1, Balla skin 2

  4. Here are some of my skins, careers and spawn point ideas.

    Careers: Italian, Porn star, Taxi driver, Golfer

    Skins: Italian - tommy, sonny and ken

    Porn Star - candy suxx, steve scott

    Taxi Driver - Taxi guy

    Golfer - Male golfer, female golfer, tommy golf suit

    Spawnpoints: Italian - Tommy's mansion

    Porn Star - porn studio

    Taxi Driver - kaufman cabs

    Golfer - Leaf Links

    Weapons: Italian - bat, uzi, ruger

    Porn Star - knife, tec 9, bomb detonator

    Taxi driver - hammer, colt 45, ingrams

    Golfer - golf stick, colt python, uzi 9mm

    We also need more action on the first island. I remember the times in 0.3 that people would be having wars on the first island but now its only downtown.

  5. Have vc clan wars been made yet? In the clan war website there is only gta 3. If this hasn't been made yet, we should start this. I want to join DK but I don't think they are accepting anyone right now,

  6. :? What d you mean? There is already boats in Vice city. :)

    dumbo he means boats in MTA:VC! :roll:

    It's still not certain if Blue will be applied for GTA3 at all, by the time Blue will be finished there will be SA to concentrate on as well I guess.

    shame, I would've liked seeing boats in GTAIII:MTA :)

    Blue is being applied for gta 3. They are making more skins and making shoreside vale available.

  7. I was playing mta vc a few minutes ago and was having fun until some guy started cheating. I don't know if I should say his name. A few mta players and I started to kill him together but the only way it would work was to chopper kill him. Then I thought of a good suggestion. If you really believe that someone is a cheater, we should get everyone on the server to work as a team and atempt to kill the cheater even though it won't work that will be proof that the person is a cheater. Just hope the administrator is on so they can ban the cheater.

    I saw you on the FMJ server yesterday - was it on there?

    I remember playing in the party server for vc and some guy named happy meal was cheating and he was trying to act nice and was always saying be creative. Most of the time he would never get out of his car. When his car would flip over it would flip back. Also, are there cheaters in gta 3?

  8. I was playing mta vc a few minutes ago and was having fun until some guy started cheating. I don't know if I should say his name. A few mta players and I started to kill him together but the only way it would work was to chopper kill him. Then I thought of a good suggestion. If you really believe that someone is a cheater, we should get everyone on the server to work as a team and atempt to kill the cheater even though it won't work that will be proof that the person is a cheater. Just hope the administrator is on so they can ban the cheater.

  9. they post news whenever there is news to post. I personally would rather have them working on mta than the mta site.

    But stopping in once and a while to tell us they are alive would be nice, even without specific details on progress.

    That is true they should be alive once in a while. Even if its off topic its ok as they have something.

  10. I suggest that the mtavc.com site should be updated at least once a week to lett people know what you are up to. There hasn't been an update since november 23. The lack of updates was the reason I haven't been checking up on mtavc.com.

  11. obviously, the poster was reffering to unreleased versions of MTA :roll:

    He didn't state that at all.

    Actually I did maan that. I am talking about people who aren't on the mta team and being beta testers for 0.4.5. But we would need people who the mta team can trust be cause some people just can't keep a secret. Playstation.com gives people a penalty for people who tell all over the internet about some information you are not supposed to know if you are not a tester. If this were to happen we would need a penalty like being banned from anything that has to do with mta.

    That maybe a little extreme for MTA. It's not like the developers are a big commercial company.

    Actually I don't know why there is all this secrecy with MTA - surely this is being made for the community? If not us, then who?

    @ JonChappell: common sense isn't that common, as you have just proved for us.

    They probably want to suprise us with their added stuff..

  12. obviously, the poster was reffering to unreleased versions of MTA :roll:

    He didn't state that at all.

    Actually I did maan that. I am talking about people who aren't on the mta team and being beta testers for 0.4.5. But we would need people who the mta team can trust be cause some people just can't keep a secret. Playstation.com gives people a penalty for people who tell all over the internet about some information you are not supposed to know if you are not a tester. If this were to happen we would need a penalty like being banned from anything that has to do with mta.

  13. I don't think this would happen but could a public beta test be possible? I have recently been to one at playstation.com. If it were to happen people could be chosen randomly and find bugs while they are playing.The only thing is that people cannot tell what is in the beta to people who aren"t selected. This could help The progress of mta go faster.

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