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Posts posted by njr1489

  1. what i mean by server side it All ost all files are on the Servers Side, the Car files, truck, ect. and if the owner of the server changes like, the Elegy to a dif Elegy all the Client connecting to the server uses Those file not the local stored files. but the ones on the server.

    You mean the cars being server side? The server owner can change whatever cars he wants. Though in the race mod your stuck in a car and can't leave to another one....

  2. :o those who dont agree with me. all the sa multplayer mods are gonna suck. the variety thing will never happen because like the guy above said, they will never make it to release. so if you dicks join together and just branch off into seperate teams under one main corperation, you could make that variety. but people are just going to continue to disagree with me.

    Let me give you an example:

    You start your own mp mod, and so do I. You do all your work in VB, and I do it in C++. You don't plan to release the SDK, and I do. You don't give the community many updates, while I do. You have different goals than me.

    Would I want to merge with you? Hell no. All the teams do their work differently.

  3. when i say breaking off into different sides, i mean like these modder assholes. most of them are thinking. HEY! LETS MAKE ANOTHER MULTIPLAYER MOD! meanwile someone has allready beat them to the punch. and then there are tons after that who decide they want to do the same thing. then this little effect ends up making tons of different mods that all suck. instead, why dont they all combine into 1 team, it dont make sense because they are not making money off their products so if they put their heads together, they can release a masterpiece. there is WAY too many multiplayer mods for gta, all because the shitty community are all dickheads.

    Why merge to one team? That is very pointless. You would have many multiplayer mods to choose from, and not one that you may or may not like. Most of the teams don't merge because they have different methods and goals, so there is no point.

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