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Posts posted by njr1489

  1. I dont recall anyone saying that 0.5.5 had been cancelled.

    But no one has heard anything about it that's why they think it's


    Maybe they should wait for official confirmation before making conclusions.

    I'm not really sure what "general Blue news" is, as any feature of MTA:SA is a feature of Blue, but it's likely that you'll see more general news when the devblogs come online (see the latest news post).

    The way I see it, 0.5.5 technically dead, not officially dead. General blue news must have to do with sync I guess, and that is what MTA is really missing.

  2. I dont recall anyone saying that 0.5.5 had been cancelled.

    Gamefreek's post pretty much said it all. With the lack of developers knowing how the 0.2 core works, there is no point in working on it. Its basically on hold which I guess won't come out. Now the only thing to do is wait for blue.

    but believe me it's not a good thing just to "hang out" around this website&forum and dont really have a good idea about whats coming up :( .

    Most of the community is doing that now since 0.5 is a ghost town. What is really shocking to me is that this version has been out for almost half a year and there was no patch to fix these problems!

    I think its over with the 0.2 core. Most of the developers don't know anything about 0.5 nothing can be done about it.

  3. don't know if C++ is easy to learn for beginners though :wink: same thing for the add-on, but we'll see :P

    It all depends on the tutorial your getting it from. I recommend that you buy books woth CDs since they cover everything. I only know a little bit and at the starting it was easy. There should also be a C++ forum open here so that the C++ vets can explain what they know.

  4. I guess VC is over for now. With MTA not releasing 0.5.5 sometime, I guess I have to play elsewhere. 0.5.5 could have been fun and those old pics were impressive. We were all hoping for 0.5.5 to save vc but nothing happened. The 0.2 core had a great run up until 0.5 but now its over. We will just have to wait for blue which will release god knows when. I'll see you 0.5 guys in vc-mp sometime.

  5. Ok when I got MTA:SA the 1st thing I'll do is to ask my friend to fly the hydra low with 5km/h around... hehehe :twisted:

    Try a moving hydra at full speed next time :wink:

  6. No, they'd never legally be allowed to charge for it.

    I'm just kidding, of course they cant. They can use the donate from pay-pal or somthing many opensource projects use it.

    Last time I read about that they don't accept donations.

  7. You don't know if I have or not. That information is classified ;).

    Well you certainly aren't on the testing team, and i've never seen you invited either, so i doubt you have.

    VC-MP is full of bugs too, so don't act as if it's perfect and MTA is the opposite, because it's clearly not the case.

    He's trying to say LC-MP will be better because of those few reasons. Sync is one of them and important, and the fact that LC is on the VC engine makes it much better.

  8. Jon, MTA's GTA3 is going to be dead. No hope left for it, I just have hope for VC-MP's LC MP.

    GTA 3 is dying. Only 14 people are playing right now. It had a great run, and I don't think there will be something worked with it until after blue.

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