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Everything posted by skoozeblood

  1. Pretty cool. Hopefully you can get it working and some roleplay servers can use it because I love billiards.
  2. Looks interesting. Hope to see some players in game and I'll try it out.
  3. Always happy to see comeback! Looking forward to launch.
  4. Is this clientside or serverside?
  5. Music is one of our favorite things about GTA and it always brings us together. Here's 4 of my radio stations that you might like! I keep these 4 regularly updated so they don't become stale, with some new and old hits. Some ads. All stations but a few have metadata so listeners can see what track is playing. Feel free to post your radio station links in this thread. 70s-80s radio (Wall Street Radio) http://stream.zeno.fm/51hp6e8efg8uv 70s-80s-90s-00s oldies, 00s pop, 90s and 00s hip-hop (Rhythm Stick Radio) http://stream.zeno.fm/a9fet3f016iuv Hip-hop radio (Gangbangin Radio) http://stream.zeno.fm/3xphtcntn0hvv Funk, synthwave, vaporwave (Funky Synthwave Vibes) http://stream.zeno.fm/wadqhfudfg8uv Here are some others that I found to be very usable, overall fair quality. Tried to cover all genres for all settings. These streams sound good to me. FM-Country - http://sc3c-sjc.1.fm:7806 Bass-Clubbers.eu - Oldiesradio RGR - http://uplink.intronic.nl/rgrfm_oldiesradio GamingNow Radio - http://media01.gamingnow.net:8000/er.mp3 Intense Radio—Trance, Techno, House - http://stream.intenseradio.net:8000/main Metal Detector - http://ice.somafm.com/metal Liquid Hardcore - http://liquiddoom.net:8000/hardcore myjungly HipHop - http://stream.100000000000000.com:8000/HIP-HOP AmbientRadio.org—Chillout,Downtempo - http://uk2.internet-radio.com:8171/ OldSkoolRadio, 88-95 House Classics - http://uk6.internet-radio.com:8089/
  6. Everyone is susceptible to attacks with AI. I believe it's more of an immediate threat... like Hurricane Katrina. What did people do when it happened? They adapted, built a tent on the roof while the basement was flooded. ChatGPT a threat? I don't think that's what MTA should be worried about. More simple social fundamentals will become a problem. And going so far as to stop this project from being Open Source, as of now, is an inherently socialist idea. We shouldn't go full communist just yet! Humans still do real human things. The serials are at the greatest risk of attack since MTA isn't a whitelisted game. Flooding the serials with bots or something could lead to new players being unable to play. There needs to be more security in that realm. ChatGPT cannot do this. If anything, AI has been helping tremendously, especially for roleplay servers. Now, using Copy.ai, you can write a business treatment in seconds—no more tedious write-ups. But as roleplay is still a heavily text-based gamemode we will have to adapt to AI. The big issues: 1. MTA isn't a mobile app when it really oughta be. If and when it does become a mobile app, new serials will flood the system. Mouse and keyboard integration needed... this will take forever but we can assume it will happen eventually. Steam Deck/Link and the rise of virtual machines and IOT (Internet of Things) proves this. 2. GTA:SA is no longer on Steam, Definitive Edition pulled a Waco, Texas on MTA and SAMP. Might become harder to obtain GTA:SA as forums/internet becomes more unstable. Someone should post a copy of the game on archive.org or some place we can all see. A permanent home for an iconic game. 3. ChatGPT could be used amazingly, but also maliciously. It can catapult text based roleplay into the future. Very soon we will be able to make a 100% realistic voice for our own characters! Text based roleplay with a customized voice. No more annoying people on the microphone breaking emersion—a huge step forward for creating a realistic environment. But then again it will become harder to verify if someone is from a particular country OR is of age to play (some servers have age requirements). As we've seen, roleplay is heavily segregated by country. Servers proprietors and owners must consider this!
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