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Nixon last won the day on April 26 2022

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  1. We've just added the Turkish language to the server. The server can now be played in these languages: We've also hidden the "Super punch effect" by default so it doesn't annoy players that don't use it (ie. when building, etc). You can re-enable it with F4 settings. The super punch effect is an original idea, which lets players fly through the air, and do other really cool stuff by punching with their fist at the right time. Future plans for the server includes changing the respawn system and inventing some way that players can get more action by playing on the server without having to build a base and do all of that. I'm still not sure how to do that, but I'll come up with something. The development in general comes and goes, depending on whenever I feel like working on the server, but the server is always online and it's working great. So you can play anytime!
  2. That is so weird, but also very cool! Thanks for posting
  3. Thanks Shady1. Good work. This topic can be locked now
  4. Nixon

    MTA CIT2

    Why don't you use any other weapons except grenades, sniper and deagle?
  5. Personally, I'm not a fan of freeroam servers. It just feels boring when you can have any car and weapon for free.
  6. Alright, I'll get in touch with Shady and see if we can work something out. Akoya and Gurkan, sorry but Shady has very good reputation, so I'll try to work something out with him first.
  7. I already bought this gamemode with an agreement not to keep selling this.
  8. I love your work! Looking forward to your next transformation of regular houses like you did for Los Santos and these trailers. Very good. I prefer transformations of regular houses than complicated buildings. Regular and empty houses like the ones you did in LS and these trailers have nice empty interiors, which players on my server can use to build something. It works great with base building where they can just put 1 door, and now they have their own personal house, where they can build more stuff inside.
  9. Thank you for the update. I finally got around to replacing the older version in my server. The updated version works well. Each model can have it's own LOD. Very nice.
  10. I downloaded it and started using it. It didn't take me that long to figure it out. It's pretty cool. Thanks for your hard work! Two things. 1: It would be nice to add an entire folder with files instead of having to type them individually. 2: I have something like this in another replace script to set lod distance: if ( existsCol ) then col = engineLoadCOL(colPath) engineReplaceCOL ( col, id ) engineSetModelLODDistance(id,500) -- This end I'm not sure if that fits within the theme of your script to have that, but I thought I'd mention it because I would personally need that lod.
  11. I just want to say good job. Maybe I'll buy it some day. The only thing I personally don't like about the script is that you have to click with the mouse to do stuff. It's not very user friendly for servers where people only use their mouse when they have opened a panel/window. I prefer it if it was just done with colshapes. Go in colshape and press a button for example, to take stuff. And go in colshape and press a button on keyboard to drop stuff. If I buy your script, then I would have to change everything about the mouse clicks and use colshapes and keyboard buttons instead. Maybe you can make another version. Otherwise, the idea of the script seems reasonably fun. Players have to run to different shelves to check and get the right one. I mean, it's pretty cool. I also like the drop off point where you have a red/green shader on the ground. That's pretty awesome.
  12. I own a Rust inspired MTA server, which you can read about here: I'm trying to find a person who will translate a few thousand lines of text from English to Turkish. I like Turkish people and I would love to give them an opportunity to enjoy my server in their native language. I have a long translation file with a bunch of text and I basically need the person to add new lines for tr and translate them. Example: ["lobbyName"] = { en="Welcome", pt="Bem-vindo", es="Bienvenido", ru="Добро пожаловать", ar=" اهلا بك", }, Add tr="asdasdasdasd", I can pay you 10 € on Skrill or Paypal if you do a good job and translate my entire translation file, which should take you something like 8 hours.
  13. An RP server needs to be completely amazing to gain popularity. Do you know how to program in lua?
  14. Development of the server has continued. I would like to welcome Russian speaking players to the server now. The translations are practically all done now and it's definitely possible for Russian-speaking players to have fun in the server now. 28/3-2022 - Added special woods. - DGS and MTA update. - Dynamic systems rewrite. - Game files can now be downloaded via http server, which is faster. 29/3-2022 - Added a lot of translations for all languages, but especially Russian. - Chainsaw now works on special wood. 30/3-2022 - Made treasure chests a little easier to loot. - Fixed bugs with translations 4/4-2022 - Fixed problem with free stuff not working. - Fixed problem with enforcer gear drop not working. - Fixed problem with xp vials not leveling up correctly. 6/4-2022 - Added 50 new trees - Added a new radioactive zone and more loot to Palomino Creek - Added new LS houses and pizza restaurant 7/4-2022 - Fixed translations for F5, F9, login panel that didn't work. - Lowered turf war UI position so it's not blocked by teleports. - You gain more woodcutting XP now when using a chainsaw.
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